055286 Tropical Botany

Inst. for Økologi
Tidligst mulig placering
Varighed1 semester
Pointværdi9 (ECTS)
Eksamenmundtlig eksamen

Beskrivelse af eksamen: 13-skala, ekstern censur

Weighting: Project 50 %, chosen plant families 50 %.

Beskrivelse af eksamen:
Rammer for undervisningLectures: 1 module unit per week. Exercises: 2 hours weekly
BlokplaceringE7, fall
Tuesday 13-15

Anbefalede forudsætninger055118 Almen botanik for landskabsarkitekter
055248 Almen landbrugsbotanik
056121 Almen forstbotanik
one of these courses
Begrænset deltagerantal30 students
Kursets målsætning
The objective is to provide the student with an enlarged botanical knowledge of tropical agricultural, forestry and horticultural crops, tropical forages and tropical weeds. The taxonomy of each genus will be reviewed as will the genetic diversity, the nomenclature (scientific and English), origin, distribution, ecology (incl. vegetation type), morphology, pollination biology, germination, uses and the possible contents of toxic/anti-nutritional compounds.
The various genera will be reviewed in groups according to use/type: Timbers, cereals, pseudo-cereals, root and tuber crops, pulses, oil plants, sugar plants, vegetables, stimulant plants, spices, fruits, technical plants, forages, and the most common pantropical weeds.
The completion of this course will enable to student to
- identify the tropical plants of agronomic, forestry and horticultural importance and the specific utilised parts of each plant, e.g. seed(s), legumes/pods, roots/tubers, grains, etc.
- be familiar with the origin and ecology of tropical plants.
- be familiar with the correct scientific and English names of tropical plants.
- have a sufficient botanical/ecological knowledge of tropical crops, tropical timbers, tropical forages and weeds as a prerequisite to study and/or work with cultivation, breeding and technological problems within the fields of agriculture, forestry, horticulture incl. crop protection
- and animal husbandry in the tropics.
The course is addressed to students who plan to study tropical agriculture, forestry and horticulture, crop protection in the tropics, tropical plant pathology, animal husbandry in the tropical or other tropical and Third World subjects. The course will be a necessary prerequisite to all who expect to be working with tropical agriculture, forestry, agro-forestry, horticulture, animal husbandry in the tropics and food and nutritional technology. Students contemplating a career within agencies or institutions in the developing countries will find the course to be of relevance.
During the initial two thirds of the course two weekly lectures reviewing the syllabus and one weekly tutorial will be conducted. During the final third of the course the participants will be expected to work in groups with subjects/problems of their own choice resulting in the presentation of a report. The course will be concluded by an oral examination in the most important genera. The course aims to provide a thorough knowledge of an individually chosen number of plant families equal to approx. 60 textbook pages. The relevant families may be identified according to agricultural, forestry or horticultural interest. During the course time allotted for lectures and tutorial will be used for a combination of group work with supervision/instruction within the chosen number of plant families and in preparation of the course report. In the group work dried/live plant material, textbooks, floras, reference books as well as internet site and other illustrative material will be used. For the oral exam both the individually chosen plant families as well as the course report will be included in the examination requirements. A single mark for the combined evaluation of oral examination and the course report will be given. Field trips to the Botanical Garden will be included.
Heywood, V. (ed.) (1993): Flowering Plants of the World. Batsford.
Koch, W. (ed.) (1978): Weeds in tropical crops  i: Diseases, pests and weeds in tropical crops. John Wiley & Sons.
Rehm, S. & Espig, G. (1991): The Cultivated Plants of the Tropics and Subtropics. Verlag Josef Margraf.
Skerman, PI, Cameron, D.G. & Riveros, F. (1990): Tropical forage legumes. 2nd ed. FAO Plant Production Series No. 2. Fao, Rome.
Skerman, PI. & Reveros, F. (1990): Tropical grasses. FAO Plant Production Series No. 23. Fao, Rome.
Soerianegara, I. & Lemmens, R.H.M.J. (1993): Timber trees: Major commercial timbers. PROSEA vol. 5(1). Pudoc, Wageningen.
Marten Sørensen, ms@life.ku.dk, Institut for Jordbrug og Økologi/Faggruppe Botanik, Tlf: 35332815
praktiske øvelser28