048536 Thematic Course: Ecology of Parasites

Inst. for Økologi   50 %
Inst. for Veterinær Patobiologi   50 %
Tidligst mulig placering
Varighed1 semester
Pointværdi24 (ECTS)
Eksamenbedømmelse af projektrapport

uden hjælpemidler

Beskrivelse af eksamen: 13-skala, ekstern censur
Rammer for undervisning4/5 of a term. The teaching method is group work in connection with different projects. The group work is supported by lectures and seminars
BlokplaceringF SUP
med note om undervisning på dansk
Anbefalede forudsætninger045541 Økologi
Kursets målsætning
The aim of the course is theoretically and practically to study the ecology of different parasites. The purpose is to gain a deeper insight in research in parasitology using different important methods and to learn by experience, how to carry out a small project.
Ecology of Parasites is concerned with ecology and parasites, which are organisms adapted to a life inside or on the surface of other organisms (hosts) from whom they get their feed. Ecology is the study of biological systems above the level of individuals, i.e. about characteristics of populations, the interactions between different populations, and the study of ecosystems, that besides populations include their abiotic surroundings.

Ecology of Parasites is mainly occupied in the relations between two populations, namely host- and parasite population. Ecology of Parasites tends to describe the distribution and concentration of parasites inside and outside the host animals. Ecology of Parasites tries to describe the main factors, which regulate the host-parasite system. The goal is to obtain an overall comprehension of biotic and abiotic key factors, which decisively govern fluctuations in the parasite populations. The consequences of these fluctuations on the host populations are naturally included in the understanding of Ecology of Parasites.
The teaching method is group work supported by lectures and seminars. The seminars will focus on discussions of key scientific articles, which are relevant for the project that has been planned. Subjects for the different projects could be be: a) Gastrointestinal nematodes in grazing animals, b) Tapeworms in human cities and c) biological control of nematodes.
Compendium: Ecological Parasitology. KVL. 2002. Editor: Grønvold, J.
Kurt Buchmann, kub@life.ku.dk, Institut for Veterinær Patobiologi/Faggruppen f Virologi, Immunologi og Fiskesygdomme, Tlf: 35332700
Jørn Reimer Grønvold, jrg@life.ku.dk, Institut for Jordbrug og Økologi/Faggruppe Zoologi, Tlf: 35332676
Allan Knud Roepstorff, aro@life.ku.dk, Institut for Veterinær Patobiologi/Faggruppen for Parasitologi, Tlf: 35332746
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teoretiske øvelser40