066311 Parasitological Methods

Inst. for Veterinær Patobiologi
Tidligst mulig placering
Varighed1 semester
Pointværdi9 (ECTS)
Eksamenbedømmelse af projektrapport

med hjælpemidler

Beskrivelse af eksamen: 13-skala, intern censur
Rammer for undervisning
BlokplaceringE7, fall
Wednesday 13-16 - lectures and exercises weeks 43-50

Anbefalede forudsætningerShould be completed in same semester as Parasitic Zoonoses.
Begrænset deltagerantal20 (Priority is given to students in the Parasitology study programme)
Kursets målsætning
This course provide the students with necessary skills and techniques for a future contribution in these fields. Subsequently the students will be able to conduct practical research projects, including master projects, within parasitological areas.
Parasitic infections have profound impact on the human population throughout the World. Thus, infections with parasitic organisms have a serious effect on the health and survival of both animals and humans. In order to influence the situation basic efforts in the fields of parasitological research, diagnosis and control are needed.
A number of basic techniques are included starting with dissection of organisms and examination of blood, tissue and organs. Both qualitative and quantitative methods will be used. Identification of parasites will be based on classical morphological techniques, molecular methods (PCR, RFLP) and immunological tools (ELISA, Western blot). Experimental in vitro and in vivo models will be included. Further, principles of experimental design with parasitological and epidemiological investigations.
Lectures, colloquia (seminars), demonstrations, laboratory work (exercises) and student projects. Teaching will include a systematic presentation of methods. In addition, case stories in which the presented methods can be used will be discussed. Students will apply the techniques in practical laboratory work. Finally, the students will conduct a project in which the techniques are included. The results of the project will be presented by the students in a written project report to be evaluated.
Buchmann, K. & Bresciani, J. (2001). An introduction to parasitic diseases of freshwater trout. DSR-Publishers, Frederiksberg.
Further literature to be included.
Jesper Monrad, jm@life.ku.dk, Institut for Veterinær Patobiologi/Faggruppen for Parasitologi, Tlf: 35332761
Kurt Buchmann, kub@life.ku.dk, Institut for Veterinær Patobiologi/Faggruppen f Virologi, Immunologi og Fiskesygdomme, Tlf: 35332700
Allan Knud Roepstorff, aro@life.ku.dk, Institut for Veterinær Patobiologi/Faggruppen for Parasitologi, Tlf: 35332746
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praktiske øvelser24