068014 Poultry Production Systems

Inst. for Produktionsdyr og Heste
Tidligst mulig placering8
Varighed1 semester
Pointværdi6 (ECTS)
Eksamenbedømmelse af projektrapport

med hjælpemidler

Beskrivelse af eksamen: bestået/ikke bestået, intern censur
Rammer for undervisning
Blokplacering3-week course June
Kursets målsætning
The objective of the cource is to give the students an understanding of the biological background for the production. Lectures will focus on how thw nutrition, feeding, breeding, management and the most common diseases influence both the quantity and quality of the products: Table eggs, hatching eggs, broilers, ducks, geese, pigeons, turkeys and other type of poultry. The student should be able to plan a production and be able carry out a systematis analyse of the productions results.
Practicals: On station feed trails, comparing balanced feed and cafeteria system under ad libitum and restricted conditions. Recording of feed intake, growth, laying percentage and behavior. Behavioral studies of poultry under normal conditions. Recording of egg shell thickness and percentage, albumun and yolk height and estimation og haugh units in relation to breeds and feeding. Selection and storing of hatching eggs, the hatching process, marking of newly hatched chicks, recording of weight, growth curves. Describing external anatomy and taxonomy of breeds and individual birds, e.g. the developement of plumage, the comb,digestive canal, distance between pubic bones and breast bone in relation to level of laying. On farm observation on behavior and egg production in a commercial free range farm system. Visits to commercial hatcheries and farms.
Lectures and project work based on results from practicals discussed in relation to the results in the scientific litteratur.
Poultry Production (1995) P. Hunton ed. Elsevier
Nutrition and Feeding of Poultry (1994). M.Larbier and B. Leclercq. Nottingham University Press
Nutrition of the Chicken(1982). Scott, Nesheim and Young. M.L. Scott and Associates, Ithaca, New York.
Principles of Poultry Science (1997). S.P. Rose. CAB Internatinal.
Poultry Production in Hot Climates, (1998). CAB International.
Nutrient Requirement of Poultry, (1994)National Research Council.
Skandinavisk Fjerkræstandard (1980). Danmarks Fjerkræavlerforening for Raceavl.

Hans Ranvig, har@life.ku.dk, Institut for Produktionsdyr og Heste/Faggruppe: Produktion og sundhed, Tlf: 35333090
Studienævn NSN