076436 Dairy Technology A

Inst. for Fødevarevidenskab
Tidligst mulig placering
Varighed1 semester
Pointværdi7.5 (ECTS)
Eksamenskriftlig prøve

med hjælpemidler

Beskrivelse af eksamen: 13-skala, ekstern censur


Approvement of reports from practicals and project
Rammer for undervisning9 weeks from primo February to mid April 2005 (see Note)
Blokplaceringoutside schedule
Practicals will take place according to a special schedule.

med note om undervisning på dansk
Anbefalede forudsætninger076811 Mælk som råvare
076448 Introduction to Dairy Technology
Practical Training for the Dairy Specialization
Kursets målsætning
The aim of the course is to give students a detailed knowledge of both theoretical and practical aspects of milk production, milk as a colloidal system and the basic unit operations of dairy processing. In addition, the functionality of food ingredients derived from milk will be covered.

The course primarily deals with the following subjects:

Milk production: Influence of housing and feeding regime, Milking and its influence on raw milk quality, Organic production of milk, Feed quality and legislation, Animal ethics in dairy production,
The physical chemistry of milk processing: Milk as a colloidal system (physical-chemical aspects), The effect of heat treatment on milk, Separation processes (centrifugation, filtration, chromatographic techniques, ion exchange), The effects of homogenization on milk, Rheology of milk and dairy products
Functionality of milk constituent: Solubility, Interfacial properties, Gelation properties, Functional milk fat, Uses of lactose and minerals, Health functionality.
The course consists of lectures, laboratory practicals as well as visits to farmers. Part of the module (1 week) will take place at DJF Foulum. NOTE: The teaching in dairy technology is comprised from three courses: Dairy Technology A, B and C. The courses can be taken individually, but it is recommended to take the courses in sequence. The course is part of the Dairy Technology specialization, and will thus already from the spring of 2005 follow the new course structure, i.e. two 9 week modules per semester, with the examination included within the 9 week period.
Fox, P.F. & McSweeney, P.L.H. 1998: Dairy Chemistry and Biochemistry, Blackie Academic & Professional
In addition reprints and lecture notes will be used.
Richard Ipsen, ri@life.ku.dk, Institut for Fødevarevidenskab/Mejeriteknologi, Tlf: 35333225
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