076437 Dairy Technology B

Inst. for Fødevarevidenskab
Tidligst mulig placering
Varighed1 semester
Pointværdi7.5 (ECTS)
Eksamenbedømmelse af projektrapport

med hjælpemidler

Beskrivelse af eksamen: 13-skala, ekstern censur
Rammer for undervisning9 weeks from mid April to ultimo June (see Note)
Blokplaceringoutside schedule
Projects will involve work in the pilot plant and will take place acording to a specified schedule.

med note om undervisning på dansk
Anbefalede forudsætninger076436 Dairy Technology A
Kursets målsætning
The aim of the course is to provide students with in-depth knowledge of the technology involved in processing of fluid milk products (incl. fermented milks), butter, dried and concentrated milks and ice cream.

Course contents:
The course primarily deals with the following subjects:
Fluid milk products: Pasteurized milk and cream products, incl. flavoured milks, UHT milk and other dairy products, Recombined milk, Fermented milks, Effect of fermentation on milk components, Structure formation in acidified milk gels, Processing of specific fermented milks, Fermented milks in human health
Dried and concentrated milks: Concentration of milk, Processing of condensed milk and sweetened condensed milk, Principles of drying milk constituents, Production and properties of milk powder, dried whey products and caseinates.
Butter and dairy spreads: Treatment of cream, Processing of cream into butter and spreads, Properties of final products
Ice cream: Ingredients and their influence, Ice cream mix, Processing and freezing of mix, Properties of final ice cream.
The course consists of lectures as well as project work in the dairy pilot plant and laboratory. Excursions will also take place. NOTE: The teaching in dairy technology is comprised from three courses: Dairy Technology A, B and C. The courses can be taken individually, but it is recommended to take the courses in sequence. The course is part of the Dairy Technology specialization, and will thus already from the spring of 2005 follow the new course structure, i.e. two 9 week modules per semester, with the examination included within the 9 week period.
Lecture notes and scientific papers
Richard Ipsen, ri@life.ku.dk, Institut for Fødevarevidenskab/Mejeriteknologi, Tlf: 35333225
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