078051 Food Culture - Past, Present and Future

Department of Food Science
Earliest Possible Year8
Duration1 semester
Credits6 (ECTS)
Course LevelMSc
Examinationevaluation of project report

Aid allowed

Description of Examination: pass/fail, internal examiner

Participation in min. 80% of lectures
Organisation of TeachingThe course periode is 3 weeks from primo August
Block Placementoutside schedule
Teaching LanguageEnglish
Optional PrerequisitesAll master students with a background in Natural and Social sciences as well as Humanities, who are interested in food culture can follow the course.
Course Objectives
The purpose of the course is to present essential aspects of matters relevant to food culture in the past and present in order to understand and better predict future trends by becoming aware of what has essential impact on why we eat and relate to food as we do.
Course Contents
Food culture is the relationship between food and Man expressed through the way we get on/deal with food - in eating habits and choices of what we find eatable and what we reject, how we treat and handle our food in the preparation process from raw material to the final dish served in a social eating situation. Food culture in a society is dynamic and changeable in time and space like other expressions of human activity.

Eating is a biological necessity, but answers about what is eatable and not only edible, the way we prepare food, the way we serve and consume meals in social settings are to be searched for in cultural and religious contexts.
We are born into a culture with its set of social relations, traditions and developments, values, food standards etc. During adolescence we get taste memories, which have an influence on our food choices, but we are challenged by different kinds of food, different kinds of lifestyles and culturally different ways of eating. We meet the unfamiliar and strange when we travel, through ethnic food restaurants and when we go shopping. The world is not static; changes seem to happen faster in relation to what we eat today, when, where and with whom we dine daily and on festive occasions. Industrial food production and the global market exist alongside the regional and national kitchens. Urban meal traditions, art of cooking, advertising, technology and taste affects us.

Through this course we wish to provide a means by which you can get an insight into the interaction between the kinds of parameters in a society that have an impact on how Man and his food and meals develop during constant change, locally and globally. It might give inspiration to mix the cards in a culturally wiser way in future food production.
Teaching And Learning Methods
The course comprises lectures, group and plenum discussions, thematic group work, student presentations, tutorials and excursions. A project report is made in a group of three students. The examination comprises oral presentation and defense of the project report.
Course Litterature
Material will be given to the students at the beginning of the course.
Course Coordinator
Åse Solvejg Hansen, aah@life.ku.dk, Department of Food Science/Quality and Technology, Phone: 35333241
Study Board
Study Committee LSN
Course Scope
project work100