085828 Environmental and Ecotechnology

Inst. for Jordbrugsvidenskab
Tidligst mulig placering
Varighed1 semester
Pointværdi6 (ECTS)
Eksamenløbende evaluering

med hjælpemidler

Beskrivelse af eksamen: 13-skala, intern censur


Mark for written examination contributes 50% to course grade.

Beskrivelse af eksamen:
Mark for this part contributes 35% to course grade.

Beskrivelse af eksamen:
Evaluation of theoretical reports. Mark for this part contributes 15% to course grade.
Rammer for undervisningLectures: 1 module per week Exercises: 2 hours per week Excursions: 2x ½-day-long excursions
BlokplaceringE3, fall
Thursday, 13-15

med note om undervisning på dansk
Anbefalede forudsætninger035131 Kemi 1
035141 Kemi 2
Kursets målsætning
To introduce students to the key methods used to quantify environmental problems for selection of appropriate solution methods.

To introduce students to the primary methods used to solve problems related to pollution abatement, such as treatment and utilisation of solid waste, waste water, control of air pollution and odour emissions and cleanup of chemical contaminants.

To expose students to alternative philosophies to pollution abatement, including ecotechnology and cleaner production.
The course will present the main methods used to quantify environmental problems with respect to choosing pollution abatement methods, including environmental technology. Methods that combine mass- and energy-balances with ecological principles will be presented. The use of environmental management models in the selection of environmental technologies will also be discussed.

Topics include surface and groundwater occurrence and pollution, physiochemical properties, biodegradation and transport of contaminants, testing and treatment; problems and technologies related to handling and treatment of waste water, air pollution and odours, chemical contaminants and waste from agriculture, industry and households; Cleaner production, LCA and ecological engineering principles applied to design of technological systems for environmental management.

The course is recommended for students who upon completion of their studies will be employed in sectors dealing with environmental issues, such as in public inspection, environmental consulting and the bioproduction and processing industries.
In addition to lectures there will be a series of nine calculation assignments. Several assignments will make use of software such as QSAR models and spreadsheets. There will be two half-day excursions to relevant sites. A report on a topic or identified design problem related to the excursions will be assigned.
Textbook: S.E. Jørgensen, "Principles of Pollution Abatement", Elsevier (2000)
Dvora-Laiô Wulfsohn, dw@life.ku.dk, Institut for Jordbrugsvidenskab/Miljø, Ressourcer og Teknologi, Tlf: 35333395
Studienævn NSN
teoretiske øvelser28