126111 Climate Management in Horticulture

Inst. for Jordbrugsvidenskab
Tidligst mulig placering
Varighed1 semester
Pointværdi15 (ECTS)
Eksamenpraktisk-mundtlig eksamen

med hjælpemidler

Beskrivelse af eksamen: 13-skala, ekstern censur

Continuous assessment of exercise reports and projects. Oral examination.
Rammer for undervisning
BlokplaceringE1, fall
Kursets målsætning
The objective is to give the student a basic understanding of the technical methods for management of climate conditions which are important for optimal plant production. This includes fundamentals in the physical background and methodologies for applied experiments. The course is focused on the climatic interactions between the plants and the surrounding environment and the technology used to control these interactions in field and greenhouse horticultural production.
To a substantial extent this is a 'hands on' course were students perform practical work including cases from practical horticultural production. There will be three main activities; lectures, practical exercises, and experimental work where an experiment is planned, performed, and documented by the students.

Topics during the course are:
- Climate and thermal processes
- Climate management in greenhouse and field production
- Sensors for climate registration
- Sensors for crop monitoring
- Data acquisition and processing
- Statistical design of experiments
- Experiment arrangement, performance and documentation
- System analysis and models
The students will work in groups as well as individually on selected cases. Education methods and moments included are case studies, computer analysis, problem based learning, lectures, practical exercises and visits to commercial companies.
Will be announced.
Jesper Mazanti Aaslyng, jmaa@life.ku.dk, Institut for Jordbrugsvidenskab/Afgrødevidenskab, Tlf: 3528
Studienævn DSH