126121 Management of Pests, Diseases and Weeds in Horticulture

Inst. for Økologi   46 %
Inst. for Plantebiologi   36 %
Inst. for Jordbrugsvidenskab   18 %
Tidligst mulig placering
Varighed1 semester
Pointværdi15 (ECTS)
Eksamenløbende evaluering af øvelsesrapporter

med hjælpemidler

Beskrivelse af eksamen: 13-skala, intern censur
Rammer for undervisning
BlokplaceringE1, fall
med note om undervisning på svensk/dansk
Kursets målsætning
The course will give fundamental understanding of application of such basic disciplines as biology, ecology and technology for environmentally sound and sustainable management of pests, diseases and weeds in horticultural crops. The course will follow up on species knowledge and principles from basic DSH courses aiming at management programs that are adoptable by farmers.
Successful plant protection management is based on a profound knowledge of the biology and ecology of the causal organisms and of the crop ecology where they act. Important problems with pests, diseases and weeds in horticulture will be addressed both traditionally and within the concept of integrated pest management (IPM) and organic farming. The students will learn how to incorporate sub-disciplines of plant pathology, entomology, nematology and weed sciences (epidemiology, etiology, population ecology, microbial pathogenicity, competition etc.) into management programs that are logical practical and adoptable by farmers.
Lectures, seminars, individual project work and excursions
Required reading is assigned by the responsible department. Current information about course literature should be available at the latest one month before the start of the course.
Holger Philipsen, hp@life.ku.dk, Institut for Jordbrug og Økologi/Faggruppe Zoologi, Tlf: 35332687
Studienævn DSH