126161 Applied Crop Physiology

Department of Agricultural Sciences
Earliest Possible Year
Duration1 semester
Credits15 (ECTS)
Course LevelMSc
Examinationpractical-oral examination

Aid allowed

Description of Examination: 13-point scale, external examiner
Organisation of TeachingSpring (4/4-05 - 3/6-05)
Block PlacementF4, spring
Teaching LanguageEnglish
may be conducted in Danish/Swedish
Optional Prerequisites125161 Principles of Crop Physiology
Course Objectives
Through crop specific case studies supported by general lectures and seminars the student will achieve an advanced knowledge of the growing and the applied physiology of horticultural crops. The students will do in depth studies of the production and eco-physiology of the crops. The physiological understanding of principles of crop physiology will be applied on the plant and crop level.
Course Contents
The course is based on horticultural crops. Emphasis will be on understanding the relationship between the growing techniques and the physiological background. The course also uses examples of the genetic variation. The reference growing systems are the common commercial systems with emphasis on integrated and organic growing.
In general lectures and case studies the crop specific aspects of the following main topics will be covered:
- Crop development and dynamics
- Propagation/grafting/rootstocks
- Control of vigour and shaping of plants
- Management of fertilisation and irrigation
- Effects of biotic/abiotic stresses on growth and development
- Flower formation
- Fruit/seed/vegetative organ development
- Effects of preharvest factors on internal quality
- Maturation, ripenning and harvest assessment.
Similarities and differences among species are evaluated with emphasis on species belonging to fruit, vegetables and ornaments.
Teaching And Learning Methods
The main teaching method will be crop case studies supported by lectures and seminars. The case studies will be made individually or in groups. Parallel to this laboratory practicals based on group or individual work will take place. Excursions will be arranged in connection with the different course subjects.
Course Litterature
Literature lists will be available at the course responsible departments.
Course Coordinator
Ulla Gertsson, ulla.gertsson@vv.slu.se, Department of Agricultural Sciences/DSH guests, Phone: 3528
Torben Bo Toldam-Andersen, tbta@life.ku.dk, Department of Agricultural Sciences/Crop Science, Phone: 35333411
Study Board
Study Committee DSH
Course Scope
theoretical exercises175