270045 Food Culture

Inst. for Fødevarevidenskab
Tidligst mulig placeringKandidat 1.år til Kandidat 2. år
VarighedUdenfor blokstruktur
Pointværdi7.5 (ECTS)

mundtlig eksamen

Alle hjælpemidler tilladt

Beskrivelse af eksamen: Evaluation of project report, presentation of project report and defense of project from different food cultural perspectives.

Vægtning: Report 80% Presentation and examination 20%

bestået/ikke bestået, intern censur

18 August 2006
Forudsætninger for indstilling til eksamenParticipation in minimum 80% of lectures
Rammer for undervisningThe teaching comprises lectures, excursions, seminars and project work. The students must prepare some homework before start of the course. application deadline March 31, 2006 Registration by the KVL-system is fully accepted
BlokplaceringOutside schedule
Ugestruktur: Outside schedule, The course periode is 3 weeks from primo August
Anbefalede forudsætningerAll master students with a background in natural and social sciences as well as the humanities, who are interested in food culture can follow the course.
Begrænset deltagerantal28 participants
Basic science
Knowledge about how food culture is influenced by local climate, geographical conditions and history of populations etc.

Applied sciences
Knowlegde about the role of meal and eating situation in a food cultural context.
Understand the background for different eating habits and rules in different cultures.
Comprehend how the food culture for a group of people has changed over time in response to trade and cultural exchange with other ethnic, religious or national groups.
Apply the principles about food culture for different societies.

Ethic and values
The students will be able to discuss what a society find eatable and what they rejct as eatable with background in food culture aspects.
Kursets målsætning
The purpose of the course is to present essential aspects of matters relevant to food culture in past and present in order to understand and better predict future trends by becoming aware of what has essential impact on why and how we eat as we do.

Through this course we wish to provide means by which you can get an insight into the interaction between the kind of parameters in a society that have an impact on how Man and his food and meals develop during constant change, locally and globally. Lectures will be given within the following topics: Food and meals in cultural context, The social meal, Food history, Religious eating rules, Ethnic foods It might give inspiration to mix the cards in a culturally wiser way in future food production.
The students must make home work about their own food culture before the course starts. It can be description of some typical foods, how they are prepared, and how and when they are eaten. It can also be description of the role of specific food in different celebrations. The course comprises lectures, group and plenum discussions, thematic group work, student presentations, tutorials and excursions. The lectures introduce themes of importance for understanding food culture as religious eating rules, ethnic food, the social meal, food history and innovations. The group work and tutorials will help the students to obtain an understanding of food culture. The excursions are used to illustrate food culture in practice. The course is offered as part of the Øresund Summer University with application deadline March 31, 2006 to Øresund Summer University. Registration by the KVL-system is fully accepted, however, it is recommended to registrate on March 31 at latest. Application procedures and other practical informations about the Øresund Summer University are described at the homepage of the Øresund Summer University: www.summeruniversity.org
Articles with background for the lectures will be given to the students at the beginning of the course. Students are invited to bring books about their homeland food culture, which can be used for the project work.
Åse Solvejg Hansen, aah@life.ku.dk, Institut for Fødevarevidenskab/Fødevarekvalitet og - Teknologi, Tlf: 35333241
Grith Lerche, gle@kvl.dk., Institut for Fødevarevidenskab/Fødevarekvalitet og - Teknologi, Tlf: 35333746
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