150116 Ethics and Legislation in Relation to Laboratory Animals

Inst. for Veterinær Patobiologi
Tidligst mulig placeringMaster udd. (efteruddannelse)
VarighedUdenfor blokstruktur
Pointværdi3 (ECTS)
KursustypeMaster udd. (efteruddannelse)
Module 1A, Master Programme in Laboratory Animal Science

skriftlig prøve

Portfolio eksamen

Alle hjælpemidler tilladt

Beskrivelse af eksamen: Within a defined 30 day period the course participant must hand in two reports; i.e. one on a mandatory item and one on a voluntary item

Vægtning: 50%/50%

7-trinsskala, ekstern censur
Forudsætninger for indstilling til eksamenAhead of the examination a report on local legislation must be accepted by a national supervisor
Rammer for undervisning
BlokplaceringOutside schedule
Ugestruktur: Outside schedule, Spring semester in even years
The participant will be able to
- make judgements on the legality on various aspects of using animals for research
- apply principles for ethical and legal judgement of animal experiments
- discuss the ethical basis for the use of animals for research
Kursets målsætning
The participant will after the course fulfill qualifications within ethics and legislation needed for qualification within animal experimentation on FELASA catgory D level
National and international legislation in relation to laboratory animals will be discussed. The topics are legislation of animal research, import and export of animals, protection of wild life, and biotechnology in animals.
Ethical theories are presented and applied to the use of laboratory animals. Ethical aspects on welfare and methods for assessment of welfare are discussed. The use of local ethical committees, humane endpoints and score sheets are topics as well as public perception and dialogue about the use of laboratory animal.
Lectures and group work on KVL during a two-day teaching period. Report writing on local law under supervision
The participant will be able to understand and adhere to European legislation as well the participants own national legislation on laboratory animal use.

The participant will be able to understand the philosophical basis for the dilemmas on animal experimentation.
Curriculum list can be found on www.kursus.kvl.dk/lexmlas
Axel Kornerup Hansen, akh@life.ku.dk, Institut for Veterinær Patobiologi/Faggruppen for Biomedicin, Tlf: 35332726
8700 DKK
Studienævn MSN (Master, diplom)
praktiske øvelser8
