240051 Immunology

Inst. for Veterinær Patobiologi
Tidligst mulig placeringKandidat 1.år
VarighedEn blok
Pointværdi15 (ECTS)
Kurset er fælleskursus for studerende på fødevarevidenskab/Food Science and Technology

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Beskrivelse af eksamen: 4 hours written exam.

Vægtning: Written exam: 100%

7-trinsskala, intern censur

25 January 2008
Forudsætninger for indstilling til eksamenApproved practical course and at least 75% attendance.
Submission of report
Rammer for undervisninglectures, problem discussions, practical laboratory course (amounts to nine full days) including report writing and problem solving
BlokplaceringBlock 2
Ugestruktur: Outside schedule
Anbefalede forudsætninger230002 Biokemi 1
240009 Cellebiologi
Begrænset deltagerantalmin. 6 and max. 40
Competences obtained within Basic Science.
Updated basic molecular immunology such as:
Knowledge of how lymphocyte receptor diversity is created and antigen recognized.
Understanding the regulation of immune responses in various compartment of the organism.
Comprehend the interaction between innate and adaptive responses.
Also immunodeficiency, autoimmunity, allergy, tumorimmunology,vaccinology will be covered

Competences obtained within Applied Science:
Knowledge of a variety of animal models, as well as cellular and molecular techniques used for understanding the immune system.
Comprehend the resolution of assorted immunochemical techniques.
Appreciate the versatility of antibody mediated techniques in molecular biology in general.
Apply and understand technical principles in the practical course.

Competences obtained within Ethics and Values:
Is aware of beneficial and controversial aspects of stem cell research, transgenesis, xenotransplantation, etc
Kursets målsætning
Students will learn basic immunology at the molecular level. The practical course introduces a variety of antibody mediated methods, as well as the use of DNA techniques for answering immunological questions
The outcome should be an understanding of the components and the biology of the immune system, at the level of population, organism, cell, protein and gene. Students should also appreciate immunology as a discipline offering multiple tools for use in other areas of biology.
The theoretical part of the course will be both basic immunological principles and also give an updated version of molecular immunology.
Included will be enlightenment lectures from laboratories of Virology, Bacteriology and Parasitology (know your foe) - which will also provide information on possible graduate research projects.
The practical course will be focused on three main themes:
1. Immunochemistry
2. Molecular Biology
3. Immunohistochemistry/-cytochemistry

1. Immunochemical methods for antibody purification and labelling. Purified protein will be analyzed by SDS-PAGE and used for Western blot. Also various quantitative and qualitative methods will be used to demonstrate the versatility of antibodies - all excercises provide a context with the theoretical part.
2. The students will also use molecular methods to clone a gene encoding a tissue antigen and will finally be able to obtain sequence and produce a basic identification and genomic mapping using www based programs.
3. Detection of viral infection in cell cultures/tissues using antibody reagents. (courtesy of lab for Virology)

The practical course include the writing of a short report and answering questions stated in the manual.
Lectures, problem solving, practical course (nine day incl. report writing).
Stipulated in "Areas of Competence the Course Will Address"
Janeway, Travers, Walport, Shlomchik: immunobiology. 2005. 6ed Garland.

J. Salomonsen and B. Aasted: manual for practical course in Immunology.
Jan Salomonsen, jas@life.ku.dk, Institut for Veterinær Patobiologi/Faggruppen f Virologi, Immunologi og Fiskesygdomme, Tlf: 35333128
Studienævn NSN
teoretiske øvelser48
praktiske øvelser68