240068 Plant Genetics and Biotechnology

Inst. for Jordbrugsvidenskab   85 %
Inst. for Plantebiologi   15 %
Tidligst mulig placeringKandidat 1.år til Kandidat 2. år
VarighedUdenfor blokstruktur
Pointværdi5 (ECTS)

mundtlig eksamen

Alle hjælpemidler tilladt

Beskrivelse af eksamen: The oral exam is a presentation and discussion of a scientific paper, drawn from a total of ten scientific papers, selected among the course litereature for self study

Vægtning: 100%

bestået/ikke bestået, intern censur

21 August 2008
Forudsætninger for indstilling til eksamenPresence at experimental exercises and seminars
Rammer for undervisning2 weeks, intensive course, including experimental exercises in laboratory, and 2 research seminar daily.
BlokplaceringSummer Course
Ugestruktur: Outside schedule, August 11-22
Obligatoriske forudsætningerBachelor degree in biology / biochemistry / natur resources
Begrænset deltagerantalminimum 12 participants and max 18
Kursets målsætning
See: Learning Outcome
This course is for non-plant science students and natural resource students that need an advanced theoretical and practical introduction to plant genetics and biotechnology. Ongoing plant biotechnology research will demonstrate the use of model plant species for understanding fundamental plant specific biochemistry and genetics and the application of biotechnology in crop plants. Topics covered are:
- Model plants
- Mapbased cloning
- Plant diseases and resistance
- Genetics of molecular markers in plants
- Molecular breeding for drought tolerance
- Growth regulation in ornamentals
- Flowering control
- Co-existence and tolerance with GMO
Two lectures per day on an ongoing applied plant research project that is utilising molecular biology tools. For each lecture a primary research paper and relevant review paper are provided for self study. The student organize between them reading these papers. Practicals are laboratory exercises on plant specific topics, e.g. molecular players in nitrogen use efficiency, DNA markers and molecular plant breeding, genetics of plant defense signaling and genetic engineering of crop plant.
The main objective of the course is to provide a theoretical and practical introduction to the scientific principles of plant genetics, biotechnology, biosynthetic pathways, anatomy, nutrient use efficiency, defence signalling, quality improvements. The principles of forward and reverse genetics will be provided and strategies for transferring basic studies in model plants into crop production.

- Describe the use of model plants for improvement of crop
- Describe important techniques in molecular breeding
- Show overview of plant specific biological processes and interactions
- Describe principles in genetic engineering for crop improvements

- Apply mapbased cloning for a target trait
- Demonstrate knowledge on how major plant specific traits can be modified
- Compare differences between model plants and crop plants
- Apply molecular techniques to overcome challenges to plant growth and development
- Evaluate feasibility of biotechnology approaches for crop improvement
- Carry out experimental work and reporting outcome in cooperation
- Discuss advantages of having different model plants to solve problems in crop production

- Evaluate feasibility of biotechnology approaches for crop improvement
- Carry out experimental work and reporting outcome in cooperation
- Discuss advantages of having different model plants to solve problems in crop production

Søren K. Rasmussen, skr@life.ku.dk, Institut for Jordbrug og Økologi/Plante- og Jordvidenskab, Tlf: 35333436
hvis efteruddannelse, ja
Studienævn NSN
praktiske øvelser40
