250002 Agroforestry

Forest & Landscape
Earliest Possible YearMSc. 1 year
DurationOne block
Credits7.5 (ECTS)
Course LevelMSc
ExaminationFinal Examination

written examination and oral examination

All aids allowed

Description of Examination: Students will be provided a written assignment based on a case. The assignments will be distributed and must be submitted electronically. The oral exam will, with point of departure in the written exam, analyse one or two key issues in a broader agroforestry development context.

Weight: The final mark will be based on a total evaluation of the two exams (50%+50%)

7-point scale, internal examiner
Requirement For Attending ExamStudents must successfully complete at least 75% of the module activities in order to participate in the exam.
Organisation of TeachingTeaching is primarely based on regular classroom sessions. Material, questions and solutions to questions will be uploaded on KU e-learning system, which is primarily for distant students. Selected parts may be taught and discussed via e-learning
Block PlacementBlock 2
Week Structure: A

Teaching LanguageEnglish
Optional PrerequisitesIt is recommended that the student possesses a basic understanding of natural resources management
Areas of Competence the Course Will Address
The course should provide students with basic knowledge and understanding of following key areas:
The framework of biophysical conditions in the tropics and their influence and limitations on agricultural systems. The systems cover the main types of tropical humid areas, dry areas and tropical highlands
The synergetic, complementary and competitive relations between different species in small complex systems consisting of several crop, animal and tree species
Quantitative and qualitative outputs of agroforestry systems in relation to investment and production cost
Technical and management operations available for the improvement of yield and other outputs of AF systems
The principle of nutrient cycling and energy flow in small subsistence systems
The socio-economic context of on-farm tree planting including political, historical and cultural biasses in different parts of the tropics
Development context including both local and national cross cutting issues
Course Objectives
The key objective of the course is to provide students an insight into the overall options, limitations and constrains pertaining to small complex production systems with a large tree component. The course should enable students to analyse agroforestry systems under different bio-physical, socio-economic and political setting and suggest development strategies to improve outputs of the systems
Course Contents
Agroforestry definition and history
Biophysical factors, climate, soil and water.
Agroforestry systems, classifications and technical operation
Agroforestry species, the crops, the trees and the animals, roles and functions of different components and criteria for selection and improvement
Propagation and management of trees and crops
Productivity, nutrient cycles and energy flow in agroforestry systems
Socioeconomic and development cross cutting issues, tenure, gender. knowledge, tradition

Teaching And Learning Methods
The course will use a mixture of classroom sessions and e-learning. Basic concepts and cross cutting issues will be discussed in connection with theoretical exercises. Case studies will be used to analyse output and development of systems. The teaching is aimed at an interactive form in which students contribute significantly to discussions and presentations
Learning Outcome
Course Litterature
Tentatively: Nair, P.K.R. 1993: An introduction to Agroforestry (depending on availability from publisher)
Additional literature will be compiled into a compendium. Supplementary material such as lecture notes, exercises and cases will be distributed during classes or electronically
Course Coordinator
Lars Schmidt, lsc@life.ku.dk, Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning/Arboretum, Phone: 35331838
Study Board
Study Committee NSN
Course Scope
theoretical exercises52