250005 Biological Control of Pests and Diseases: Experimental Course

Inst. for Økologi   50 %
Inst. for Plantebiologi   50 %
Tidligst mulig placeringKandidat 1.år til Kandidat 2. år
VarighedEn blok
Pointværdi7.5 (ECTS)

skriftlig og mundtlig eksamen

Alle hjælpemidler tilladt

Beskrivelse af eksamen: For final examination each team will present selected data. The presentation will be done orally in a seminar, as well as written (for example as a poster with proceedings or as a condensed report. In all cases it must be stated for each student which part he or she wrote, to allow individual scores.

Vægtning: Report: 50 % Oral: 50%

bestået/ikke bestået, intern censur
Forudsætninger for indstilling til eksamenActive participation in experimental work. At the minimum 75 % participation
Rammer for undervisningExperimental work in groups. Parts of the experimental work as projects. In addition colloquia and excursions
BlokplaceringBlock 1
Ugestruktur: A
Parts of the experimental work may take place at different time schedules, after agreement between student teams and their supervisors

Anbefalede forudsætningerParticipants from Denmark and abroad must have passed a number of fundamental courses of relevance, for example:zoology, esp. entomology; plant pathology; microbiology; ecology. Each applicant will be evaluated individually with respect to qualifications
Begrænset deltagerantal25
Competences within basic science

1) Knowledge to behaviour in a scientific laboratory
2) Comprehend experimental design and performance of studies on interactions between an organism and its natural enemies/antagonists
3) Evaluate laboratory and/or field data on organisms and their natural enemies/antagonists

Applied science

1) Apply the principles obtained in experiments to similar situations
2) Make a judgement of the potential of an organism as a biological control agent

Ethics and Values

1) Are able to discuss own obtained data and related literature data in an ethical framework
2) Make judgement how non-target effects should influence the potential use of biocontrol agents
Kursets målsætning
The course aims to provide the students with an updated knowledge on biological control of pests and plant diseases, based on own experience in the laboratory and/or the field.

Students will learn modern methods used for experimental work in biocontrol using natural enemies of insects and antagonists of plant diseases.

Experimental work with both natural enemies of insects (macro- and microorganisms) as well as antagonists to plant pathogens is included in the course. The course aims to allow the students to experience a range of modern methods, for example: field sampling, diagnosis of potential biocontrol agents, isolation in vivo and in vitro, bio-assays, genetical characterization.

Each group of students will perform parts of the experimental work as a project with a specific focus. The choice of focus will dependend on students interest and practical possibilities.

The core of the course is experimental work in the laboratory and/or in the field. Students will be organised in teams and perform experimental work with pests and plant diseases and their antagonists. At colloquia the results are discussed.
Stipulated in "Areas of Competence the Course Will Address"
Literature will be given at course start. In addition, the students must find literaure of relevance. The literature will consist of:

1) Laboratory protocols for experimental work
2) Original scientific literature related to the experimental work

Jørgen Eilenberg, jei@life.ku.dk, Institut for Jordbrug og Økologi/Faggruppe Zoologi, Tlf: 35332692
Dan Funck Jensen, dfj@life.ku.dk, Institut for Plantebiologi og Bioteknologi/Sektion for Plantepatologi, Tlf: 35333304
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praktiske øvelser70