250006 Biological Control of Pests and Diseases: Theory, Application and Perspectives

Department of Plant Biology   50 %
Department of Ecology   50 %
Earliest Possible YearMSc. 1 year to MSc. 2 year
DurationOne block
Credits7.5 (ECTS)
Course LevelMSc
ExaminationFinal Examination

written examination

Written Exam in Lecturehall

All aids allowed

Description of Examination: 4 hours written examination

Weight: 100%

7-point scale, internal examiner
Organisation of TeachingLectures, theoretical exercises, colloquia, tutorials and an excursion.
Block PlacementBlock 1
Week Structure: C
Teaching LanguageEnglish
may be conducted in Danish
No Credit Points WithNo
Optional Prerequisites250029 
Plant Disease or Plant Protection in Horticulture (a DSH-course)and a basic zoologi- course
Areas of Competence the Course Will Address
Competences within basic science:
Knowledge and understanding basic biology of organisms used for biological control of plant pests and diseases: This include the interaction of the biocontrol organisms with the target insect or plant pathogen. Diversity of biocontrol organisms and their behaviour in plant ecosytems and knowledge about natural regulation by indigenous organisms in plant cropping systems.
Competences within technology and production: Understanding the status for commercial exploitation of biological control of pests and diseases both internationally and in the Nordic countries.
Knowledge and understanding of the technology and biological information needed for the commercialization of biocontrol agents covering aspects such as production, formulation, application, legislation and registration.
Competences obtained within Ethics and Values:
Are able to consider ethical aspects related to the use of BCAs both in traditional and ecological plant production
Course Objectives
The purpose of the course is to give the student a thorough understanding of the principles and strategies of biological control of pests and diseases together with examples of proven and potential applications in agriculture and horticulture.
Course Contents
The main elements covered in the course are:

Definitions of biological control of pests and diseases of plants and subject terminology.
Major groups of organisms used in biological control: their ecology, life cycles, mechanisms of action etc.
Isolation and selection of biological control organisms and their production, formulation and application,
Crop management practices including crop rotation etc. that regulate populations of pathogens and pests. Disease suppressive soils.
Monitoring populations and activity levels of biological control agents following application to the crop and release into the environment. Pathogen antagonis interactions at cellular level. Aspects of risk assessment of biological control organisms, legislation and BCA registration.
Etical aspects and public acceptance related to commercial use will be addressed.

Selected examples of the use of fungal and bacterial antagonists, parasitoids and predators to control pests and diseases in field and glasshouse crops, orchards and forestry
Teaching And Learning Methods
Lectures, theoretical exercises, colloquia, tutorials and an excursion. In the lectures, basic principles, strategies and state-of-the-art developments in biological control of pests and diseases are presented. Some lectures are given by external and internal specialists on topics directly related to on-going research projects or covering commercial exploitation of BCAs and legislation and etical aspects. At the tutorials selected papers - typically from international scientific journals - are discussed and evaluated. The colloquia will be in the form of e-learning where computer databases, Web-based information and IT e-learning elements will be used.
Learning Outcome
Stipulated in "Areas of Competence the Course Will Address"
Course Litterature
The choice of a textbook from 2007 is under consideration - this will be decided later and a message will be send via Campus Net not later than one week before Block start

Scientific papers and other types of course material will be handed out or uploaded on Campus Net
Course Coordinator
Dan Funck Jensen, dfj@life.ku.dk, Department of Plant Biology and Biotechnology/Plant Pathology Section, Phone: 35333304
Jørgen Eilenberg, jei@life.ku.dk, Department of Agriculture and Ecology/Section of Zoology, Phone: 35332692
Study Board
Study Committee NSN
Course Scope
theoretical exercises10