280004 Image Analysis

Inst. for Grundvidenskab
Tidligst mulig placeringKandidat 1.år til Kandidat 2. år
VarighedEn blok
Pointværdi7.5 (ECTS)
Also functions as a PhD course.

skriftlig og mundtlig eksamen

Alle hjælpemidler tilladt

Beskrivelse af eksamen: A written project report and oral presentation of the project in presence of all course participants. Projects may be done in groups.

Vægtning: Oral examination on the basis of project report 100%.

7-trinsskala, ingen censur
Forudsætninger for indstilling til eksamenPresence at at least 75% of the exercises and turning in a project report.
Rammer for undervisningLectures/consultation about 4 hours/week, Computer exercises/computer project work about 8 hours/week, oral presentations of projects the last two days. Students must bring their own laptop computers for exercises.
BlokplaceringBlock 4
Ugestruktur: A
Anbefalede forudsætninger210003 
Begrænset deltagerantalNone
Competences obtained within Basic science:

Knowledge about common digital image formats and the pitfalls of image compression.

Comprehend algorithms and principles of low level image processing (image improvement) such as noise reduction.

Comprehend algorithms and principles of low level basic image analysis (histograms, transformations, filters).

Comprehend algorithms and principles for segmentation and morphological analysis, analysis in the frequency domain and analysis of multispectral information.

Understand basic principles of programming on the script level as well as the image filter level, including understanding basic analysis of the runtime complexity of programs.

Competences obtained within Applied Science:

Apply principles of image analysis and programming to extend and adapt standard tools to obtain image analysis solutions tailored for specific, more complex problems.

Competences obtained within Ethics & Values:
Kursets målsætning
The participants shall be introduced to automatic image analysis and digital images. They shall learn about fundamental problems in image analysis and algorithms to solve them. They shall learn to use standard tools (programs) for image analysis. Through the examples in the course the participants shall learn about typical applications for image analysis. Finally, the participants shall learn to extend and adapt by (simple) programming a standard image analysis tool.
The following subjects will be covered: Digital image representation and -compression, image models, filters, image improvement (low level image processing), simple characterisation of images (e.g. histograms), segmentation and counting of objects, morphological transformations, characterisation of objects in images, transformation to the frequency domain (Fourier transformation), analysis in the frequency domain, colour spaces and multispectral imagery.

There may also be time to cover simple analysis of image sequences, camera models and projective geometry, 2D transformations and co-registration of images.

Examples will be partly from research groups at KU/LIFE using image analysis; these groups are consulted during the development of the course.

Open source / free standard tools will be used in the course, and apart from acquiring basic skills using the tools the participants will also have to learn to make simple extensions and adaptations (through simple programming).

In the last part of the course the participants will be working on projects. A project could for example focus on making an application which in a user friendly fashion solves a specific image analysis problem with a "known" algorithm (e.g. counting cells in a microscopy mage) or a project could be more "experimental" in nature and seek algorithms to extract information from a certain type of images (e.g. segment different kinds of tissue in ultrasound images). At the end an oral presentation of each project must be made for the other participants. The grade obtained for the course will be based on the project report together with the oral presentation.
In the first part of the course, days will have a mixture of lectures and hands-on computer exercises. In the second part of the course, during which the participants are working on projects, there will be scheduled time for consultation on the projects.
Stipulated in "Areas of Competence the Course Will Address"
John C. Russ: The Image Processing Handbook (5th ed., 2006). CRC Press. ISBN: 0849372542.
Morten Larsen, ml@dina.kvl.dk, Institut for Grundvidenskab/Matematik og Datalogi, Tlf: 35332390
Studienævn NSN
praktiske øvelser40