310028 Urban Ecosystems: Structures, Functions and Designs

Skov & Landskab   50 %
Inst. for Jordbrugsvidenskab   50 %
Tidligst mulig placeringKandidat 1.år
VarighedEn blok
Pointværdi7.5 (ECTS)

mundtlig eksamen

Portfolio eksamen

Alle hjælpemidler tilladt

Beskrivelse af eksamen: An individual oral examination will be held based on a group report and a short reflective essay. Questions referring to lectures and exercises can also be included.

Vægtning: 100% individual questions.

7-trinsskala, intern censur
Forudsætninger for indstilling til eksamenA group report, an oral presentation of the group report, and a short reflective essay of max. two pages.
Rammer for undervisning
BlokplaceringBlock 1
Ugestruktur: B
At the end of the course, students should have demonstrated the ability to:

Basic Science:
- Understand and transfer ecosystem theories and principles to problem oriented studies in the urban environment.

Applied science:
- Apply principles from their specific discipline with a view to obtain improvements in urban ecosystem functionality and design.

Ethics and Values:
- Reflect upon and discuss the value systems that underlie structure and functioning of various urban ecosystems across the globe, with particular reference to north European urban areas.
Kursets målsætning
The course aims to provide an in-depth understanding of structures, functions and dynamics of urban ecosystems, and how these can be designed and managed in a sustainable way. The group projects in 2007 will apply this knowledge and skills to rehabilitate a built-up area in Greater Copenhagen. The course combines natural science with landscape architecture in a multidisciplinary approach, and has exchange with external actors to develop concepts for sustainable urban development.
The core of the course is a group project. The project will deal with the ecological rehabilitation of a selected urban area in Greater Copenhagen. Lectures will introduce the theoretical and methodological knowledge to deal with these issues. Supplementary exercises introduce methods for application in the project and help to provide knowledge on the project's site.

Lectures and exercises will fall within the following general areas:
Principles of urban ecosystems; structure, metabolism, dynamics;
Urban landscape assessment from aerial photographs
Biodiversity of urban areas, management and enhancement
Management of urban water
Management of waste and nutrient cycles
Management and treatment of polluted soils
Control of urban climates and noise
Assessment of social needs and communication
The legal framework of environmental control in Danish cities

Thus a level of general knowledge is ascertained, while the group projects provide an opportunity for in-depth problem based learning.
Planning, design and management of urban ecosystems are interdisciplinary tasks. Therefore, the course is jointly organized and taught by experts from natural, social, engineering, planning and design disciplines. The course consists of lectures, exercises, and a project. The projects, which will be completed in groups, will include problem formulation, objective, outline of approach, site analysis, application of method/idea/concept, evaluation of application, graphics like sketches, maps and tables, and presentations. Overall structure of course: Until mid-term presentations in late September: Lectures and exercises on topics and tools related to the project. Project start-up including problem formulation and first analysis etc. Supervision of groups. Lectures and exercises will be placed on Tuesdays whereas Friday mornings are reserved for group work and supervision. Mid-term presentation: An external day outside KVL with mid-term presentation of projects and feed back from other groups and teachers. Until final presentation: Project activities and supervision of individual groups. Final week: 1) Delivery of written material (group report, reflective essay). 2) Half day session with group presentation of projects, possibly with invited external actors. 3) One day for individual examination.
A compendium of essential papers and book chapters will constitute the course textbook.

Additional core reading:
Hough M., 2004. Cities and Natural Process. Routledge, London.

Further literature will be recommended during the course in connection with specific themes.

Stephan Pauleit, sp@life.ku.dk, Center for Skov, Landskab og Planlægning/Parker og Urbane Landskaber, Tlf: 35331787
Jakob Magid, jma@life.ku.dk, Institut for Jordbrugsvidenskab/Plante- og Jordvidenskab, Tlf: 35333491
Jesper Luxhøi, jelu@life.ku.dk, Institut for Jordbrugsvidenskab/Plante- og Jordvidenskab, Tlf: 35333494
Marina Bergen Jensen, mbj@life.ku.dk, Skov & Landskab/Parker og Urbane Landskaber, Tlf: 35331790
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