260017 Experimental Animal Nutrition and Physiology - Practical

Inst. for Basal Husdyr- og Veterinærvidenskab
English titleExperimental Animal Nutrition and Physiology - Practical
Tidligst mulig placeringKandidat 1.år til Kandidat 2. år
VarighedEn blok
Pointværdi15 (ECTS)
Can also be taken as a Ph.D. course

skriftlig og mundtlig eksamen

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Beskrivelse af eksamen: Oral examination (including "PowerPoint" presentation) regarding the experimental set-ups presented in the course and described in the project reports delivered prior to examination

Vægtning: 100%

7-trinsskala, ekstern censur
Forudsætninger for indstilling til eksamenParticipation in all experimental set-ups and delivery of project report regarding chosen set-ups
Rammer for undervisningPractical demonstrations, lab work, lectures and seminars. Students will throughout the course be working in groups. Part of this course (3 weeks) will take place at the experimental facilities at The Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Aarhus University
BlokplaceringBlock 2
Ugestruktur: B

Block 2
Ugestruktur: C
Anbefalede forudsætningerExperimental Animal Nutrition and Physiology - Theoretical diploma course fullfilling EU educational requirements for persons working with experimental animals (included in the above-mentioned course). Thematic Course: Animal Science 1.
Begrænset deltagerantal15
Knowledge of quantitative nutrient and energy metabolism is fundamental for the evaluation of nutrient utilization and requirement in different life processes and for the development of nutritional strategies and methods of feed evaluation in relation to the optimisation of production, product composition/quality as well as various environmental factors. The experimental methods introduced will focus on the evaluation of whole animal function and the metabolism of nutrients at both the whole animal and organ level (in vivo). Collated information from experimental research will be used in conjunction with biological models describing metabolic responses to a variety of nutritional and environmental conditions. Students will be provided with the principles necessary to; (1) plan and implement in vivo scientific investigations where attention is given to the identification of specific scientific questions of relevance to the selected field of research and the selection of appropriate methodological approaches, including such aspects as protocol planning, experimental design, sampling, data collection and evaluation, (2) assimilate and write a scientific manuscript - literature overview, aims, methodology, results + graphic presentation, interpretation, discussion including a retrospective assessment of the suitability of the methodological approach adopted, conclusions and applications/perspectives.
Students will spend considerable time at experimental animal facilities where they will be offered opportunity to obtain extensive hands-on experience with pre-selected animal experimental techniques. Experimental animal facilities are located at KVL (Rørrendegård, Høje Tåstrup, and Frederiksberg) and 3 full weeks will be spent at the Danish Insitute of Agricultural Sciences, Foulum. Accomodation at Nørresøkollegiet in Viborg will be paied for, but students must cover travel expenses themselves.
Occasional evening/night and week-end work must be anticipated.
Practical experimental course with participation in planning and practical conduct six different small nutritional and physiological experiments involving experimental animals (ruminants, monogastrics). Three of the experiments will take place at experimental facilities at LIFE and three at DJF, Foulum. Occasional evening/night and week-end work must be anticipated. Students will throughout the course be working in groups, and on a group basis prepare the report to be handed in for examination, which will consist of 6 individual papers structured as scientific papers (1 6-page paper and 5 2-page papers)covering each of the demonstrations. Weekly seminars will be arranged with the aim to review selected scientific papers and present the results of the practical experimental work. Emphasis will be on experimental design and protocols, data analyses, interpretation of results and presentation technique.
Learning outcome
The main objectives of the course are to introduce experimental principles and provide students with extensive hands-on experience with key methods applied in animal physiology and nutrition (whole body and selected organ level) and hence the tools necessary to carry out and evaluate results obtained from animal research under different physiological and nutritional conditions. The students will be introduced to scientific facilities and scientists within animal nutrition and physiology at LIFE and DJF. After completing the course the student should be able to:

- Describe principles necessary for planning, implementing and evaluating data obtained from in vivo scientific investigations according to formulated aims and hypothesis.
- Describe major techniques involved in vivo studies of animal nutrition and physiology of relevance for animal science and feed/food industries.
- Demonstrate understanding of ethical issues in relation to animal experimentation.

- Design experimental animal protocols and use relevant legislation for conducting animal experiments.
- Work in laboratory with selected experimental techniques and methods applied in animal experiments.
- Evaluate limitations and advantages different experimental methods
- Analyse and interpret experimental results.
- Communicate knowledge in writing and in oral presentations.

- Cooperate within a research team with different degree of responsibility.
- Carry out animal experiments dealing with nutrition and physiology.
- Carry out simple experiments within other related subjects.
- Disseminate experimental results to professionals, lay persons and general public.

Selected reviews/research papers and a list of the literature to be used can be obtained from the course teacher
André Chwalibog, ac@life.ku.dk, Institut for Basal Husdyr- og Veterinærvidenskab/Husdyrernæring, Tlf: 35333044
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