270078 Advanced Chemometrics

Inst. for Fødevarevidenskab
English titleAdvanced Chemometrics
Tidligst mulig placeringKandidat 1.år til Kandidat 2. år
VarighedEn blok
Pointværdi7.5 (ECTS)

skriftlig og mundtlig eksamen

Alle hjælpemidler tilladt

Beskrivelse af eksamen: The students will handle in a written group report in due time before the oral examination. At the individual oral examination the students will be examined in the report as well as the examination requirements.

Vægtning: Oral examination in project report and in the examination requirements 100%

7-trinsskala, intern censur
Rammer for undervisningLectures (25%), exercises (25%), colloquia (5%), project work (45%)
BlokplaceringBlock 2
Ugestruktur: A
Anbefalede forudsætninger270006 Exploratory Data Analysis / Chemometrics
Begrænset deltagerantal50
Basic chemometric methods like PCA and PLS are useful tools in data analysis but in many data analytical problems more advanced methods are necessary to solve the problems.

The methods studied in this course will be selected from these main topics: Data preprocessing methods, variable selection methods, clustering and classification techniques, calibration transfer methods, non-linear regression and multi-way methods.

Computer exercises on real data using commercial software are an integrated part of the course.

It is expected that the student have competences corresponding to the course Exploratory Data Analysis / Chemometrics.
The students will be introduced to the theory through lectures and seminars. The students will work in groups on a data analytical problem using the taught algorithms and software to analyse the problem. The students can bring their own data analytical problems to work on; this requires that the course teachers consider the data as suitable to illustrate the taught methods. The results are presented in a written report which is orally defended at the end of the course.
The course introduces advanced chemometric methods and their use on different kinds of multivariate data of relevance for research and development.

After completing the course the student should be able to:
Summarize basic chemometric methods
Describe advanced chemometric methods for multivariate (clustering, classification and regression) and multi-way data analysis
Describe advanced techniques for data pre-preprocessing
Describe advanced methods for variable selection

Apply theory on real life data analytical cases
Apply commercial software for data analysis
Report in writing a full data analysis of a given problem including all aspects presented under Knowledge.

Discuss advantages and drawback of advanced methods
Present reading material for a group of peers
See course web-site.

Scientific papers, book chapters and course notes.
Lars Nørgaard, lan@life.ku.dk, Institut for Fødevarevidenskab, Tlf: 35333212
Rasmus Bro, rb@life.ku.dk, Institut for Fødevarevidenskab/Fødevarekvalitet og - Teknologi, Tlf: 35333296
Frans W.J. van den Berg, fb@life.ku.dk, Institut for Fødevarevidenskab/Fødevarekvalitet og - Teknologi, Tlf: 35333545
Studienævn LSN
teoretiske øvelser30