240052 Aquaculture

Institut for Veterinær Sygdomsbiologi
English titleAquaculture
Tidligst mulig placeringBachelor 2. år til Kandidat 2. år
VarighedEn blok
Pointværdi7.5 (ECTS)
The course is a part of the NOVA University Network MSc programme for Aquaculture

mundtlig eksamen

Praktisk eksamen

Alle hjælpemidler tilladt

Beskrivelse af eksamen: The students will produce a project report to be evaluated and subsequently they will present and defend their work individually. Hereby individual students will be evaluated

Vægtning: The student evaluation is based 100% on the oral examination

bestået/ikke bestået, intern censur
Forudsætninger for indstilling til eksamenSubmission of project report
Rammer for undervisningLectures, practical exercises, seminars, excursions and project work
BlokplaceringBlock 1
Ugestruktur: A
Begrænset deltagerantal20
The course includes theoretical and practical teaching in aquaculture types, freshwater pond cultures, mariculture, recirculated systems,water quality aspects, environmental aspects of aquaculture activities, fish welfare, aquaculture techniques, fish physiology, nutrition, feed technology, fish immunology, parasitology, bacteriology, virology and vaccinology
Teaching includes lectures, seminars, project work, practical exercises, excursions to aquacultural enterprises.
The aim of the course is to educate students in processes associated with production of aquatic organisms. The course will educate the students to be able to evaluate and suggest solutions to various aquaculture problems. Thus, both technical and biological questions should be solved by the students.
Summarise the production types of different aquaculture enterprises. Describe both low and high technology aquaculture systems.
Refer to investigations of fish and fish production systems for normal and abnormal conditions. Show overview of relevant feed items for specific aquaculture systems. Identify breeding strategies in fish farming. Classify the environmental and economical impacts of various fish production systems. Show overview of biotic and abiotic parameters influencing the outcome of aquculture business.Display overview of sampling processes and techniques in order to obtain samples for further processing of fish pathologists. Produce working plans for consultants in aquatic sciences. Classify and evaluate fish welfare problems in aquaculture
Work in a laboratory with selected experimental fields within aquaculture subjects.
Analyse quality parameters of fish farming and apply these in new areas. Analyse and judge environmental, technical and economical aspects of fish cultures. Put forward theories on improved technologies within the aquaculture area. Communicate broad and narrow fields of aquaculture production to fellow students. Make oral presentations. Write detailed reports on analyses of complex production problems.
Make judgments on the relevance of any farm system to a certain environment. Construct theories and/or working plans for solving complex problems in specific aquaculture systems.Make ethical considerations and respond to animal welfare and environmental legislation relevant to aquaculture. Cooperate with fellow students about the carrying out and reporting experimental aquacultural experiments.

Buchmann, K. & Bresciani, J. (2001). An introduction to parasitic diseases of freshwater trout. DSR Publishers, Frederiksberg, Denmark.

Buchmann, K. (2007). An introduction to fish parasitological methods - classical and molecular techniques. BioFolia, Frederiksberg, Denmark

Hand-outs and papers on fish physiology, nutrition, anatomy, environment, techniques, fish diseases and aquaculture types.
Kurt Buchmann, kub@life.ku.dk, Institut for Veterinær Sygdomsbiologi/Faggruppen f Virologi, Immunologi og Fiskesygdomme, Tlf: 35332700
Karl Pedersen, kape@life.ku.dk, Institut for Sygdomsbiologi/Faggruppen f Virologi, Immunologi og Fiskesygdomme, Tlf: 35332703
Studienævn NSN
teoretiske øvelser10
praktiske øvelser30