230006 Enzymology and Experimental Biochemistry

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Grundvidenskab og Miljø

English TitleEnzymology and Experimental Biochemistry
VarighedEn blok
Pointværdi7.5 (ECTS)

skriftlig og mundtlig eksamen

Alle hjælpemidler tilladt

Beskrivelse af eksamen: Evaluation of reports of performed experiments supplemented with individual oral presentation and examination

Vægtning: Oral examination in project report and pensum is judged by 100 %

7-trinsskala, intern censur
Forudsætninger for indstilling til eksamenSubmission and approval of at least 75 % of project reports
Rammer for UndervisningThe course consist of a combined theoretical part (lectures and theoretical exercises; approx. 4 h per week) and practical laboratory work (approx. 9 h per week) with traditional and new advanced methods of analyses used in work with biomolecules
BlokplaceringBlock 2
Ugestruktur: A
Anbefalede forudsætninger230002 Biokemi 1
Begrænset deltagerantalThe number of students per course is limited to 30 owing to limited space in the laboratories and the teaching in use of advanced instrumentation.
The course comprises the theoretical and experimental work on enzymes, proteins and peptides in biological matrices. Focus is placed on experimental and theoretical understanding of the relations between structure and properties of the molecules. Topics includes are:

Extraction techniques
Chromatographic systems
Solvent and buffer relations

where effects of ions, organic molecules, and surfactants play a significant role.

The combinations of such knowledge give the students basis for understanding and development of a relevant strategy of methods as used in analytical biochemistry. The students will in selected projects work with both traditional and new actual /advanced biochemical methods and techniques.
Strategies to efficient isolation, purification and characterisation of biomolecules, bioactive proteins, peptides, and enzymes from complex biological systems

Determination of kinetic parameters, Vmax, KM and kcat, and interpretation of such data in relation to ideal catalytic effects

Characterisation of antibodies and their use in immunochemical methods

Thermodynamics and kinetics in enzymology and biochemical analyses

Binding between molecules in equilibrium reactions and thermodynamic stable complexes

Receptor and effector sites, positive (activators) and negative effectors (inhibitors) and their effects on the active sites

Native enzymes: holoenzymes, apoenzymes, co-factors, activation energy and kinetics

Design and use of enzymatic assays

A project with individual final reporting is a part of the course where the students in a group of 2-3 persons perform purification of a selected enzyme or inhibitor.
Lectures and theoretical exercises: lectures will be used to present the theoretical background for the subjects considered with at least 3 hours per week. The lectures will be followed by theoretical exercises (1 h per week) where the students in groups of three will work on answers of specific questions related to the theory and practical use of methods and technology. Laboratory work with knowledge to theory and practical use of the various instruments and biochemical methods are central parts of the course. The students will be in groups of three and spend about 9 hours per week with this part of the course. Three weeks will be devoted to the project focused on studies of a selected enzyme or inhibitor molecule. The combined theoretical and practical laboratory experiments with focus on strategies of methods in analytical biochemistry and enzymology will train the students in calculations on the produced data.
The course provides a thorough and fundamental theoretical and practical basis for knowledge to and work with biomolecules, especially bioactive proteins, peptides, and enzymes occurring in complex biological matrices, plant, animal and microbial based feed and food. Focus is placed on the relations between structure and properties of biomolecules, strategies in use of actual new and traditional biochemical methods and understanding of the descriptions in original scientific papers.

After completing the course the student should be able to:

Reflect about physico-chemical-biochemical properties of biomolcules and especially enzymes.
Describe strategies to efficient isolation and purification of enzymes from complex biological systems
Describe analytical techniques used in biochemistry and for enzyme characterisation.
Understand the theoretical basis for changes of water as solvent, extraction and chromatographic systems in work with molecules of different polarity.

Evaluate the detection, quantification and linearity of experimental data in relation to published values (literature data).
Design experimental stategies in analytical biochemistry and enzymology based on structure and properties of analytes in complex matrix systems.
Apply theoretical principles of analytical biochemistry to carry out experimental isolation and purification of enzymes
Evaluate the performance of applied techniques in an enzyme related project carried out in a group (preferably 2-3 persons).

Cooperate with a fellow student on laboratory reports and a project report
Expand the knowledge to biochemistry by use of mathematics evaluations
Utilise the obtained knowledge in more comprehensive projects within research, development or industry.
R.K. Scopes (1994): Protein purification. Principles and Practice. Springer-Verlag New York Berlin Heidelberg (ISBN 0-387-94072-3)

H.Sørensen, S.Sørensen, C.Bjergegaard, S.Michaelsen (1999): Chromatography and Capillary Electrophoresis in Food Analysis. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK. (ISBN 0-85404-561-9)(selected parts will be copied for the students)

Selected scientific literature relevant for projects

Jens Christian Sørensen, jchs@life.ku.dk, Institut for Grundvidenskab og Miljø/Biokemi og naturproduktkemi, Tlf: 353-32435
Studienævn NSN
teoretiske øvelser14
praktiske øvelser72