Ansvarligt institut | Institut for Produktionsdyr og Heste | ||||||||||||||||
English Title | Applied Epidemiology | ||||||||||||||||
Tidligst mulig placering | Bachelor 3. år til Kandidat 2. år | ||||||||||||||||
Varighed | Udenfor blokstruktur | ||||||||||||||||
Pointværdi | 5 (ECTS) | ||||||||||||||||
Kursustype | Fælleskursus | ||||||||||||||||
Eksamen | Sluteksamen mundtlig eksamen Alle hjælpemidler tilladt Beskrivelse af eksamen: An individual oral examination is held at the end of the course. The exam will be a question regarding an epidemiological problem where a ½ hour preparation is followed by ½ hour examination Vægtning: 100% 7-trinsskala, intern censur | ||||||||||||||||
Forudsætninger for indstilling til eksamen | A precondition for attending the exam is that 3 mandatory reports have been handed in and approved | ||||||||||||||||
Rammer for Undervisning | Summer course held in weeks 32 - 34 in August. A mixture of lectures, group work, exercises and seminars each day from 9 to 17. | ||||||||||||||||
Blokplacering | Summer Course Ugestruktur: Outside schedule | ||||||||||||||||
Undervisningssprog | Engelsk | ||||||||||||||||
Anbefalede forudsætninger | A basic course in statistics as: 210005 Statistisk Dataanalyse 1 300068 Basal statistik og epidemiologi -or a similar course | ||||||||||||||||
Kursusindhold | |||||||||||||||||
The course introduces the different aspects of applied epidemiology, e.g. designing, planning, conducting and evaluating epidemiological studies. Week 1: In the first week basic epidemiological concepts are introduced, specific topics includes: . Purposes, objectives and hypotheses . Observational study designs . Sample size calculations and sampling methods . Data management . Bias and causality . Descriptive analyses Week 2: The second week focus on the analyses of data from epidemiological studies, particularly risk factor studies with dichotomous outcomes, e.g. logistic regression analyses. Week 3: In the final week more specific topics are covered, such as e.g. critical reading, diagnostic test evaluations or questionnaire design. | |||||||||||||||||
Undervisningsform | |||||||||||||||||
The course will be a mixture of lectures, theoretical exercises, practical computer exercises and report writing. The first week will consist of lectures in epidemiology in the morning followed by theoretical exercises. In the afternoon, the theory will be applied to a practical problem of designing and planning an epidemiological study. Furthermore, computer exercises will introduce the R program for data management and descriptive analysis. The first mandatory report will be on the data management, control and description of a data set provided at the course. In the second week, the first 3 days will consist of lectures in statistical analyses of epidemiological data in the morning followed by computer exercises in the afternoon. The last two days will be dedicated to the second mandatory report where an analysis of a given data set must be carried out and reported. The third week will be divided in days each dedicated to a specific topic, e.g. critical reading of epidemiological articles; evaluation of diagnostic tests; questionnaire design; or similar topics. The third mandatory report will be based on one of these topics. Exam and preparation for the exam will be at the end of the week. | |||||||||||||||||
Målbeskrivelse | |||||||||||||||||
The main objective of the course is to provide a platform for applied epidemiology with emphasis on performing an epidemiological study After completing the course the student should be able to: Knowledge: Identify an epidemiological problem to be investigated using relevant descriptive and analytical methods Skills: Design a study, store data in a database and evaluate data quality. Use relevant epidemiological methods for analysis. Competences: Collaborate scientifically with epidemiologists and other relevant scientists. Be able to evaluate validity of epidemiological results and conclusions. | |||||||||||||||||
Litteraturhenvisninger | |||||||||||||||||
Houe H, Ersbøll AK, Toft N (eds)(2004): Introduction to Veterinary Epidemiology. Biofolia | |||||||||||||||||
Kursusansvarlig | |||||||||||||||||
Nils Toft,, Institut for Mindre Husdyrs Sygdomme/Hospital for Mindre Husdyr, Tlf: 353-33009 | |||||||||||||||||
Studienævn | |||||||||||||||||
Studienævn NSN | |||||||||||||||||
Kursusbeskrivelsesomfang | |||||||||||||||||
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