Ansvarligt institut | Institut for Fødevarevidenskab | ||||||||||||||
English Title | Dairy Product Technology | ||||||||||||||
Tidligst mulig placering | Kandidat 1.år | ||||||||||||||
Varighed | En blok | ||||||||||||||
Pointværdi | 7.5 (ECTS) | ||||||||||||||
Kursustype | Kandidatkursus | ||||||||||||||
Eksamen | Sluteksamen mundtlig eksamen Alle hjælpemidler tilladt Beskrivelse af eksamen: The exam is an oral examination based on a number of questions that will be available 3 weeks prior to the exam. 7-trinsskala, intern censur | ||||||||||||||
Forudsætninger for indstilling til eksamen | During the course, a number of projects will have to be completed by the students. Reports from these projects have to have been accepted as a prerequisite for attendance in the final examination. | ||||||||||||||
Rammer for Undervisning | Lectures, project work in the dairy pilot plant and laboratory and excursions. | ||||||||||||||
Blokplacering | Block 4 Ugestruktur: B | ||||||||||||||
Undervisningssprog | Engelsk | ||||||||||||||
Anbefalede forudsætninger | 270088 Introduction to Dairy Technology 270022 Milk Processing The course is an advanced dairy technology course. We expect a level of knowledge equivalent to the course 'Introduction to dairy technology'. We also recommend taking the course 'Milk processing' before entering the present course. | ||||||||||||||
Begrænset deltagerantal | None | ||||||||||||||
Kursusindhold | |||||||||||||||
The course primarily deals with the following subjects: Fluid milk products: Pasteurized milk and cream products, incl. flavoured milks, UHT milk and other dairy products, Recombined milk, Fermented milks, Effect of fermentation on milk components, Structure formation in acidified milk gels, Processing of specific fermented milks Cheese: Milk treatment for cheese making, renneting of milk, production of different cheese types, ripening of cheese. Dried and concentrated milks: Influence of processing on the properties of condensed milks, milk powder, dried whey products and caseinates. Butter and dairy spreads: Treatment of cream, Processing of cream into butter and spreads, Properties of final products Ice cream: Ingredients and their influence, Ice cream mix, Processing and freezing of mix, Properties of final ice cream. | |||||||||||||||
Undervisningsform | |||||||||||||||
The course consists of lectures as well as project work in the dairy pilot plant and laboratory. A number of lectures will be given by people from industry. The projects involve production of various products as well as analysis of the produced products. Excursions to dairy plants, organizations and manufacturers of equipment will also take place. | |||||||||||||||
Målbeskrivelse | |||||||||||||||
This is a mandatory course for the specialisation of MSc in Dairy Technology. The overall aim of the course is to provide students with in-depth knowledge of the technology involved in processing of fluid milk products (incl. fermented milks), butter, cheese, dried and concentrated milks and ice cream. After completing the course the student should be able to: Knowledge: - Sum up on the major factors influencing dairy product manufacture and quality. - Sum up the main unit operations performed to produce dairy products. - Reflect on how the various unit operations affect dairy product quality. - Reflect on how colloidal interactions can be controlled in order to produce stable dairy products. - Reflect over the interplay between society as a whole and the dairy industry. Skills: - Apply the principles of colloid science to processing of dairy products. - Apply obtained knowledge of dairy technology to pilot plant practicals and analyses on dairy products. - Structure reports from practicals and handle treatment and discussion of obtained data. Competences: - Work independently - Work effectively in a group during pilot plant and laboratory practicals - Interact with professionals in the dairy industry and associated organizations | |||||||||||||||
Litteraturhenvisninger | |||||||||||||||
Lecture notes and scientific papers form the curriculum of the course. In adition we will use parts of Walstra, P., Wouters, J.T.M. and Geurts T.J. (2006) 'Dairy Science and Technology', CRC Presss, London, as textbook (available as ebook from LIFE's library. | |||||||||||||||
Kursusansvarlig | |||||||||||||||
Richard Ipsen,, Institut for Fødevarevidenskab/Mejeriteknologi, Tlf: 353-33225 | |||||||||||||||
Studienævn | |||||||||||||||
Studienævn LSN | |||||||||||||||
Kursusbeskrivelsesomfang | |||||||||||||||
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