270085 The Food Industry: Structure and Economics

Ansvarligt institutFødevareøkonomisk Institut

English TitleThe Food Industry: Structure and Economics
Tidligst mulig placeringBachelor 2. år til Kandidat 1.år
VarighedEn blok
Pointværdi7.5 (ECTS)

skriftlig prøve

Skriftlig auditorieeksamen

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Beskrivelse af eksamen: a. 2-hour written exam in lecture hall b. Report on study project and presentation. The report is about analyzing strategies, strategic challenges, business problems, food industry projects etc. Two students per project. It is specified at the beginning which is the contribution of each student. Students also are asked individual questions. Students receive individual evaluations at the end. c. Weekly exercises. 5 out of 6 weekly exercises must be submitted.

Vægtning: Written exam: 30 pct. Reports and presentation: 40 pct. Exercises: 30 pct.

7-trinsskala, intern censur

03. november 2010
Rammer for Undervisninga. Lectures by the instructor, b. Lectures and discussions by agri-business executives c. Research paper d. Industry visits
BlokplaceringBlock 1
Ugestruktur: A
Begrænset deltagerantalNone
The Danish Agri-food industry
European Agri-food systems and trends
Economic Organization of the Agri-Food Industry
Quality, Food Safety; the Consumer
Globalization of Food Markets
Chain management and organization in agri-food chains
Agri-food Cooperatives and organizations
a. Class lectures b. Lectures and discussions with industry experts c. Visit agri-business organizations d. Writing of Research paper The research paper is written in close collaboration with industry experts e. Presentation in the form of a workshop with assigned discussants and audience of experts
The main objective of the course is to provide the student with basic understanding of economic analysis related to the agri-food industry and practical knowledge of the sector
€ An understanding of structure, functions and current issues in the agri-food economy from input industry to farm processing to distribution and retail in Denmark, Europe and internationally.

After completing the course the student should be able to:

. Define and describe some economic approaches in such a way as to be able to anlyze the agri-food industry
. Describe the structure of agri-food industries in Denmark, Europe and elsewhere
. Describe and analyze issues pertaining in the agri-food industry such as mergers,
competitiveness, vertical linkages and contracts
. Describe and analyze the special role of agri-food cooperatives and farm organizations

. Use basic economic and management models to analyze issues related to the organization of the food industry

. Identify, describe and analyze the functions, structure and issues in the agri-food industry
in Denmark, Europe and Internationally
. Cooperate with fellow students and industry experts in identifying problems,
use theory, apply research methods, and communicate the results to expert and general
Course Litterature:
a. Journal articles
b. Industry reports
c. Book chapters
d. Notes
Henning Otte Hansen, hoh@foi.dk, Fødevareøkonomisk Institut/Faggruppe for Produktion og Teknologi, Tlf: 353-33432
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