270090 Thematic Course: Integrated Sensory and Instrumental Flavour Research

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Fødevarevidenskab

English TitleThematic Course: Integrated Sensory and Instrumental Flavour Research
Tidligst mulig placeringKandidat 1.år til Kandidat 2. år
VarighedEn blok
Pointværdi15 (ECTS)

mundtlig eksamen

Alle hjælpemidler tilladt

Beskrivelse af eksamen: The students are examined individually through questions based on the delivered project report

Vægtning: 100% Oral examination in project report

7-trinsskala, ekstern censur
Forudsætninger for indstilling til eksamenLaboratory work carried out, presentations given at colloquia, report submission
Rammer for UndervisningLectures, Seminars and Excursions, Project work
BlokplaceringBlock 4
Ugestruktur: A

Block 4
Ugestruktur: B
Anbefalede forudsætninger270007 Fødevarekemi
270030 Sensory and Consumer Science
270006 Exploratory Data Analysis / Chemometrics
Begrænset deltagerantalNone
The course aims to give a broad overview of food quality research with emphasis on the understanding of relationships between process and product variables influencing sensory and flavour properties of foods. The students will learn and evaluate the process of how to handle sensory and flavour quality measurement in problem-oriented project work. This gives the students a practical insight in the significance of planning scientific experiments from problem formulation to experimental design, measurement and analysis of data. Advanced tools for instrumental measurement of food quality and flavour are introduced in theory and practice and include GC-MS, olfactometry (GC-sniff and olfactometer), gustometry, texture analyses, fluorescence measurements, NIR/NIT, NMR and colour/video measurements. Sensory evaluation methods and techniques are included in the project work. Dedicated multivariate data analytical methods will be introduced to interpret the relation between instrumental analyses, sensory analyses, and different process or raw material conditions. The relevance and limitations of approaches to food quality measurement will be illustrated by experiences from research and development practices in the food industry.
The course consists of: - Lectures aiming to give a theoretical background on sensory and instrumental quality analysis in foods. The series of lectures are placed in the first part of the course to give theoretical background for seminars and project work. - Excursions to relevant food industries give the students a practical insight into food processing. - Practical projects, where the students in groups of approximately 4 students work with production of selected products, and measurement of quality using instrumental and selected sensory methods. Based on the practical work, a written report is prepared. The report should cover all the above mentioned aspects as well as thorough statistical (chemometric) treatment of data. The student should also reflect over the processes in problem-oriented team research. - Seminars, where the students present theoretical issues, present case studies where authentical datasets are to be processed using chemometric techniques, and/or present results of their own work. - Where appropriate e-learning will be used.
Learning outcome

The objective of the course is to give the students knowledge about aroma analysis and other instrumental quality analysis techniques relevant for foods.
After completing the course the student should be able to:


- Describe the chemical and biochemical processes which are important for changes in sensory and flavour properties during processing and or storage of food products.
- understand the principles and methods being used to measure and interpret different aspects of a product's quality.


- Apply their knowledge of processing and quality assessment of foods to a concrete food quality problem.
- Select a proper method of analysis of a given food.
- Evaluate possibilities and limitations of instrumental techniques for food quality analysis and their relation to sensory quality through multivariate statistics.


- Cooperate with fellow students in a project team, including planning, excecuting and reporting experiments.
- Reflect on working in teams.
- Reflect on the relevance of different aspects of food quality in different situations.
Scientific papers and chapters from relevant books.
Mikael Agerlin Petersen, map@life.ku.dk, Institut for Fødevarevidenskab/Fødevarekvalitet og - Teknologi, Tlf: 353-33243
Derek Victor Byrne, dby@life.ku.dk, Institut for Fødevarevidenskab/Sensorik, Tlf: 353-33199
Studienævn LSN
teoretiske øvelser15