270100 Molecular Food Science

Responsible DepartmentDepartment of Food Science

Earliest Possible YearBSc. 3 year to MSc. 2 year
DurationOne block
Credits7.5 (ECTS)
Level of CourseJoint BSc and MSc
ExaminationFinal Examination

oral examination

Some Aid allowed
Project poster

Description of Examination: Description of Examination: Examination is based on a poster presentation and oral examination in project content and course curriculum. The students are individually examined in the course curriculum on the basis of questions formulated with starting point in the poster presentation.

Weight: Oral examination in project poster and curriculum 100%

7-point scale, internal examiner
Requirement for Attending ExamParticipation in the excursions and group-based project work. Handing in and approval of poster.
Organisation of TeachingLectures, seminars, exercises/demonstrations and excursions. Project work in groups. Work load and distribution will change from week to week.
Block PlacementBlock 4
Week Structure: A
Language of InstructionEnglish
Optional PrerequisitesSome skills in mathematics, knowledge of physical chemistry, Fødevarekemi or knowledge of basic food chemistry, Physical and chemical changes in food quality or corresponding knowledge, experience in project work and report writing
Course Content
Course Contents

Is an advanced food chemical course based on cases of specific food products

Applied Molecular Food Science
Advanced food chemistry such as protein oxidation, carbohydrate chemistry, light induced chemical reactions and photo chemistry in foods. Moisture sorption, glass transition, stickiness and texture in dry products. Solubility of gases in foods. Water migration in foods. Chemical toxicology. The physics and chemistry of color and pigments in foods.

Properties of Packaging Materials
Gas and water vapor permeability. Optical properties. Migration.

Cases of food products
Cases involving applied food chemistry and packaging. Modified atmosphere packing. Cases involving specific products like meat, cheese, dry products and beer. Novell products like functional food and probiotics. Food chemical problems arising in relation to product development.
Teaching and learning Methods
Lectures with a general overview of the subject are presented. Workshops on specific topics, where the students are required to participate actively. Lectures and workshops are given by both external experts and internal staff covering both fundamental and applied topics. Theoretical exercises that elaborate and illustrates the theoretical knowledge by using scientific and real world examples. Practical examples or demonstrations will introduce important experimental aspects from real life and industry. Excursions to relevant producers. Project based learning where groups of students are required to identify and explain the most important food chemical aspects, methods of analysis for evaluation of these aspects, and suggest packaging solution(s) to a specific food product. The work results in a poster presentation.
Learning Outcome
The main objective of the course is to give the students a general knowledge of food as chemical systems and the derived practical consequences for the quality of food during production and storage including selection of packaging system. After completing the course the student should have the ability to:

Use chemical food science knowledge to evaluate the stability of a certain food product;
Identify which chemical reactions are taking place during production and storage of food and relate to consequences for food quality;
Explain how these detrimental chemical reactions may be analysed in a food sample;
Use analytical data to describe the stability of food;
Suggest how quality deterioration of a food product may be avoided during production, storage and by selection of appropriate packaging system;

Identify how different packaging atmospheres influence the chemical and microbiological processes in food;
Describe the interaction between food, packaging and surroundings including transport and distribution of chemical substances;
Select the most relevant materials to food products;

Relate knowledge about chemical reactions in food to the quality of food;
Solve problems on food quality deterioration arising during production and storage including selection of an appropriate packaging solution;

Argument and make a qualified evaluation (based on basic scientific competences) of the influence of different packaging solutions on the quality and safety of the food;
Illustrate and discuss analytical data understandably and thoroughly;
Present a food quality problem and a suggested solution;
Communicate the obtained knowledge in writing.

Assess the stability of a food product;
Select, describe and illustrate the essence of a food quality problem and solutions to overcome this problem;
Present and discuss the outcome of the project work;
Cooperate with fellow students on a project and exercises

Course Literature
Collection of reviews, book chapters, and original scientific literature.
Course Coordinator
Jens Risbo, jri@life.ku.dk, Department of Food Science/Food Chemistry, Phone: 353-33224
Study Board
Study Committee LSN
Work Load
theoretical exercises18
project work95