Ansvarligt institut | Fødevareøkonomisk Institut | ||||||||||||
English Title | Applied Production Analysis | ||||||||||||
Tidligst mulig placering | Kandidat 1.år til Kandidat 2. år | ||||||||||||
Varighed | En blok | ||||||||||||
Pointværdi | 7.5 (ECTS) | ||||||||||||
Kursustype | Kandidatkursus | ||||||||||||
Eksamen | Sluteksamen skriftlig prøve Alle hjælpemidler tilladt Beskrivelse af eksamen: Assessment of one individual project based on a given set of data Vægtning: 100% 7-trinsskala, ingen censur | ||||||||||||
Forudsætninger for indstilling til eksamen | The student has to carry out a critical summary and it has to be apporved; a written thorough investigation of a journal article or a working paper (methodologically, professionally and relevance) | ||||||||||||
Blokplacering | Block 2 Ugestruktur: C | ||||||||||||
Undervisningssprog | Engelsk | ||||||||||||
Anbefalede forudsætninger | 290055 Mikroøkonomi 290058 Produktionsøkonomi | ||||||||||||
Begrænset deltagerantal | None | ||||||||||||
Kursusindhold | |||||||||||||
Subjects in keywords o Efficiency analysis o DEA, statistical uncertainty in DEA o Stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) o Distance functions o Production functions o Meger of firms and units An applied course with focus on practical and empirical applications based on a theoretical foundation. The free software R is used for the empirical calculations; for students new to R an introduction to the relevant parts of R is given. Introduction to various packages is given in the exercises. | |||||||||||||
Undervisningsform | |||||||||||||
The course is based on lectures where main part of the course theme is presented. To ensure learning by the students this is followed by practical and empirical exercises individually and in groups under expert guidance. Most of the exercises will be done on a pc. | |||||||||||||
Målbeskrivelse | |||||||||||||
Evaluation of firms, producers, farms, or other units can be done by comparing key indicators as contribution margin (gross margin), contribution margin per unit and various forms of productivity. The course introduces several methods for efficiency analysis that goes further; some of the methods are often referred to as benchmark methods. The course is of relevance for both consulting and decision making for producers and for analysis of branch of industries. The reason for the course is that politicians, business organizations, government administration, financial institutions, EU, and other national and international organizations have a need for knowledge of how contemplated policy in (agricultural) production and market conditions can affect production, prices, income, and resource utilization in agriculture as well as in other industries. The same knowledge is relevant in consulting for the single firm by comparing with other firms, best practice, including the influence and importance of uncertainty in data and in results. Students, after having carried through the course, will have special qualification to make a contribution to such knowledge. Knowledge of production economical facts is also of importance in economic consulting of farmers. After completing the course the student should be able to: Knowledge: 1. Describe the use of mathematical models for efficiency analysis on specific applications 2. Have knowledge of how the various assumptions influence the results. Skills: 3. Apply DEA on real data and real applications 4. Apply SFA on real data and real applications 5. Choose a relevant form for efficiency analysis 6. Evaluate different forms of efficiency analysis Competences: 7. Carry out DEA and SFA in other subject areas 8. Put efficiency analysis and the use into perspective 9. Conduct efficiency analysis under different assumptions. | |||||||||||||
Litteraturhenvisninger | |||||||||||||
Lecture notes and journal articles Peter Bogetoft and Lars Otto: Efficiency and technology: Applied production economics. Manuscript. | |||||||||||||
Kursusansvarlig | |||||||||||||
Lars Otto,, Fødevareøkonomisk Institut/Faggruppe for Produktion og Teknologi, Tlf: 353-36886 | |||||||||||||
Studienævn | |||||||||||||
Studienævn NSN | |||||||||||||
Kursusbeskrivelsesomfang | |||||||||||||
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