310091 Development of Sustainable Periurban Landscapes - New Visions and Strategies MAYBE OFFERED 2012

Ansvarligt institutSkov & Landskab

English TitleDevelopment of Sustainable Periurban Landscapes - New Visions and Strategies
Tidligst mulig placeringBachelor 3. år til Master udd. (efteruddannelse)
VarighedUdenfor blokstruktur
Pointværdi5 (ECTS)

skriftlig og mundtlig eksamen

Alle hjælpemidler tilladt

Beskrivelse af eksamen: The assessment consists of 3 parts: An individual introductory presentation about the landscape of the students' native place (20%) An individual written problem formulation and considerations of problem solutions, ½ - 1 page (30%) An individual presentation and discussion of the project (50%)

7-trinsskala, intern censur
Forudsætninger for indstilling til eksamenThe student is expected to participate actively in all course activities and to deliver a poster of 3 pages describing the project assigned (prepared in groups).

Rammer for UndervisningThe course is summer course and is held as a 'boarding school'. The course takes place in the period August 9 - August 20 2010.
BlokplaceringSummer Course
Ugestruktur: Outside schedule, 2 uger i august
Course content
The course is a planning course with emphasis upon actions, solutions, and future prospects for sustainable peri-urban development

With point of departure in a specific 'project area within the Greater Copenhagen Region, the students will work with SWOT analysis, landscape assessments, impact models and other analytical tools to produce a basis for the formulation of visions, strategies and plans for future developments.

The students will be provided with data and other inputs concerning the project area, including information on socio-economic condition, environmental and ecological state and character of the landscape. Local ideas and visions for the area will be presented by politicians, professionals and involved citizens.

The relevant theoretical and methodological issues will be presented in lectures and workshops by a number of teachers from inside as well outside University of Copenhagen. Such issues include: driving forces of peri-urban landscape change, complexity theory and its application in transition management, scenario building, strategic landscape analysis, sustainability impact assessment, and 'best case' examples of local plans and strategies for sustainable development in peri-urban areas.

The course is held as a 'boarding school' where the students are living and working together for 2 weeks. Accommodation will take place at the Forest School in Nødebo, in the Northern part of Zealand.

The course is organised as a co-operation between the Network of European Life Science Universities, (ELLS) and the IARU network. For information on application procedure, please contact: lokr@life.ku.dk
Teaching and Learning Methods Teaching is provided as lectures, seminars and workshops, excursions, project guidance. Some individual literature studies are also expected. During the course the students will manly work in groups of 4-6 persons. The course is starting with an introduction and presentation of students and teachers. For the presentation the students have to prepare a presentation of 3 slides introducing their 'home' landscape. The introduction is followed by a whole day excursion and after the excursion the students will start their group work and select their working topic. In the days to follow different lectures will be giving in the morning and late afternoon or night. During the second week the students will mainly work with their analysis and planning projects supported by supervision. The students will be asked to make short presentations of their work in progress during both first and second week. By the end of the course the students will present their work through oral presentations and written posters. Midway in the course there will be a day off where different social events will be arranged. The course includes a 1.5 weeks self study (reading before course start).
Learning Outcome
Peri-urban landscapes are characterised by great heterogeneity and rapid changes of land use, because they are attractive to many functions and permanently under pressure from urban expansion and demands imposed by nearby population concentrations. Current demands for climate migration and adaptation have added additional functions to peri-urban areas. Ensuring the landscape quality of such areas requires innovative and strategic planning as well as collaboration among many stakeholders and citizens.

After completing of the course the students should be able to hold the following competences:

Describe and understand the characteristics and specific problems of peri-urban areas including understanding of driving forces and existing planning initiatives
Describe basic indicators of sustainability

Apply methods for description, analysis and assessment/evaluation of peri-urban landscapes
Apply theory on sustainable development
Formulate and communicate visions, strategies and plans for a sustainable development of peri-urban landscape

Work in groups with people from different disciplines
Hold a critical and reflective view on contemporary uses and planning of peri-urban landscapes
Discuss the functions of peri-urban landscape in a wider context
Lone Søderkvist Kristensen, lokr@life.ku.dk, Skov & Landskab/By- og landskabsstudier, Tlf: 353-31831
The students must pay for accommodation and living
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