LPhD005 Philosophy of Science and Research Ethics

Responsible DepartmentLIFE Graduate School
Department of Agriculture and Ecology   0 %
Department of Large Animal Sciences   0 %

Course DatesMay 2-6 2011
Course RegistrationResearch-ethics@life.ku.dk.
Deadline for RegistrationNA
Credits2 (ECTS)
Level of CoursePhD course
Language of InstructionEnglish
RestrictionsMax. 25
Course Content
1) What is science, and what is not? What came before it? How do you identify 'pseudo-science'? Why is 'falsification' important, and do scientific results tell the truth? Over two days, professor Brian Grout and associate professor Karsten Klint Jensen will offer you a basic knowledge of the philosophies underlying modern scientific practice and set up investigative discussions and presentations on the matter among the participants. Day 1 and 2.

2) What does good ethical conduct mean for a PhD student? Should I offer my professor a co-authorship on my papers? - AND WHY NOT! professor Peter Sandøe will help you find the answers. Day 3.

3) What do life scientists need to know about Animal Ethics - and why? -with associate professor Mickey Gjerris. Day 4.

4) What are the roles and responsibilities that society expects of its scientists - and how do you live up to them? Are scientists trusted as honest communicators of science? Brian Grout will ask the question. Day 5.
Teaching and learning Methods
Lectures and group work
Learning Outcome
See course content!
Course Coordinator
Jeppe Berggreen Høj, jebh@life.ku.dk, Study and Students Affairs/PhD Administration and Statistics, Phone: 353-32224
Type of Evaluation
Work Load
theoretical exercises15