LPhD006 IPR and patenting

Ansvarligt institutPh.d.-skolen   0 %
Peter Horn Møller, head of Life Sciences & Chemistry in the patent agency Plougman & Vingtoft   100 %

KursusdatoerJanuary 24-28, 2011
Kursus resuméIt is the purpose of the course to stimulate integration of patenting and innovation in the research laboratories and enable the course participants to tap into the knowledgebase that patents represent.
Kursus hjemmesidehttp://www.dias.kvl.dk/iprforphds.html
KursustilmeldingTo sign up for the course, please send an e-mail to IPR-patenting-course@life.ku.dk
Deadline for tilmeldingJanuary 15, 2011
Pointværdi4 (ECTS)
The course is taught through a series of lectures with parallel case studies. Patenting and use of patent literature is taught in computer exercises. It is the aim of the course to endow the participants with concrete skills in finding patents and patent applications, recognizing relevant document types and judging the strength of the patents or applications on the basis of an understanding of the patenting process. Case studies of business plans and the founding of new biotech companies will be supplemented with discussions with invited entrepreneurs.
Lectures and computer exercises
The aim of the course is to:

. make participants familiar with the steps required in developing a biotechnological product
. provide knowledge about defining and identifying a commercially interesting problem
. enable the participants in navigating the patent landscape surrounding the product
. introduction to business plans and raising venture capital for the new company
Solveig Krogh Christiansen, soc@life.ku.dk, Institut for Plantebiologi og Bioteknologi/Plant Biotech Denmark, Tlf: 353-33378
Andre forlæsere
Peter Ulvskov, Peter Horn Møller, university researchers with entrepreneurial experience, librarians and Tech Trans experts from both Sweden and Denmark
Written exam