LPhD012 Academic Leadership and University Governance

Ansvarligt institutPh.d.-skolen   50 %
Institut for Grundvidenskab og Miljø   50 %

KursusdatoerThe 2011 course has been cancelled
Kursus resuméThis international PhD course gives the participants an introduction to academic leadership and university governance and a chance to discuss the role of the management issues related to the world leading universities in the International Alliance of Research Universities. Focus will be on the concept of academic leadership related to the role of universities, national and international university policies, and different governance issues related to these roles.
Kursus hjemmesidehttp://www.unigo.ku.dk/
KursustilmeldingThe course website gives instructions on how to apply for the course. The applicants must fill in a registration scheme and motivate their registration. Priority in registration will be given to PhD students recommended by their home university (e.g. by letters of recommendation from department heads, leaders of graduate schools etc). Gender balance and balance between scientific areas will also be taken into consideration.
Deadline for tilmelding15 June 2011. Acceptance by 1 July.
Pointværdi6 (ECTS)
3 - 6 - 7.5 ECTS (FLEX course)

Beskrivelse af eksamen: Active participation, assignment and presentation of assignment
Rammer for UndervisningThe course takes place at Nødebo, Cabera and Frederiksberg. It includes a mixture of regular seminars e-seminars, workshops and lectures. Please see 'Course content for more information'.
Begrænset deltagerantalMax 25 participants. A number of seats will be reserved participants from IARU partners (3 from ANU and 8 from other IARU partners). In case PhD students from IARU partners do not register, places will be offered to University of Copenhagen PhDs.
The course is aimed at high-achieving PhD students from IARU universities (the International Alliance of Research Universities), who are interested in viewing their own role in a broader perspective, and interested in forming the future. Not only within their own research field, but also for the university as a whole and for society. Focus will be on the concept of academic leadership related to the role of universities, national and international university policies, and different governance issues related to these roles, e.g. academic freedom, student and faculty involvement, planning of research, education, teaching, knowledge transfer to society, innovation, internal administration, government services, globalization, interaction with university owners. The course will include lectures by a number of internationally recognized experts as well as personal interaction with high level university leaders.

Networking among IARU PhD students is another key-objective. The participants from University of Copenhagen are expected to act as hosts for PhD students from the IARU partners during their stay in Denmark (during the internship at Nødebo Campus and in the week after the course, as the IARU PhD students may extend their stay to visit researchers at University of Copenhagen).

The course will include lectures by a number of internationally recognized experts as well as personal interaction with high level university leaders from the IARU partners, mainly University of Copenhagen and the Australian National University.

- Lectures on theoretical knowledge of the concept and role of a university and the different academic leadership and governance issues related to these roles.
- Workshops on academic leadership roles.
- Interaction with university leaders at different levels and from different universities.
- Writing of an essay on a specific issue based on a leadership topic (e.g. research leadership, policy implementation, governance of bachelor education, alumni program, financial administration etc).

Work Load:
The work load for only taking the first or second part (3 ECTS each) is estimated to 85 hours: Lectures 20, Theoretical exercises 20, Preparation 25, Assignment 15, evaluation and seminars 5. The third part (1½ ECTS) is estimated to 45 hours).

Cost and accommodation is covered by University of Copenhagen during section 1 at the Forestry College at Nødebo Campus for all PhD students from University of Copenhagen and IARU-partners. Travel grants of DKK 15.000 will be available for up to 6 PhD students from University of Copenhagen for their participation in section 2 in Australia. The grants will be awarded by the course organizers among interested applicants. Further information can be found at the course registration form (see homepage). PhD students from non-IARU universities and post doc's must pay a course fee of EURO 650, which includes accommodation at Nødebo.
One to two weeks of intensive courses with lectures, discussion and group work. Independent work on personal assignments after each section and the possibility to write a larger essay. Presentation of assignments at seminars.
After this course participants will:
- Understand university governance in a historical and international context.
- Have broad knowledge of the theories behind academic leadership and university governance, including philosophy and sociology of science.
- Be capable of presenting their specific case, getting and acting on feedback, and giving feedback to peers.
- Be capable of participating in discussions on university governance, academic leadership and management issues within research, education, knowledge transfer, innovation, internal administration, and government services at universities.
- Have developed networks for future career development within the IARU-network.
Available at the website http://www.unigo.ku.dk/
Mogens Flensted-Jensen, mfj@life.ku.dk, Institut for Grundvidenskab og Miljø/Biostatistik og Matematik, Tlf: 353-32386
Andre forlæsere
Søren Barlebo Rasmussen, CBS
Active participation, short written assignments (essays) and presentation of these at seminars.
teoretiske øvelser20