LPhD052 Advanced Climate Management in Horticultural Production and Research

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Jordbrug og Økologi   94 %
Institut for Grundvidenskab og Miljø   6 %

ForskeruddannelsesprogramHorticultural Sciences (RSHS)
KursusdatoerTeaching blok 2 (Nov.-Jan.) and an individually placed period for the project report
Kursus resuméThe objective is to give the PhD student an advanced understanding of the technical methods for management of climate conditions which are important for optimal plant production and correct climate documentation of research experiments. The course is focused on the climatic interactions between the plants and the surrounding environment and the technology used to control these interactions in horticultural production and research.
KursustilmeldingContact Eva Rosenqvist, ero@life.ku.dk
Deadline for tilmelding15 October
Pointværdi7.5 (ECTS)
The course is divided in several topics that are taught by experts of each field. When possible theoretical lectures are combined with practical exercises.

Topics during the course:
- Sensors for climate registration and crop monitoring (phytomonitoring and biosensors).
- Climate management in field production (mulching, use of plastic, windbreak, spectral changes, frost protection, irrigation etc.).
- Climate management in greenhouse (cover material, heating, vents, CO2 injection, screens, artificial light, irrigation etc.).
- Climate management for control of pests, diseases, quality, elongation growth and other plant processes.
- Traditional versus dynamic climate control based on photosynthesis models, and how the latter can be used to optimize plant production.

In these topics crop physiology and ecophysiology will be linked to applied plant production.
The course consists of theoretical lectures, practical exercises, theoretical exercises, excursions and a report in connection to the PhD owrk. The exercises are performed within groups of 2-4 students. Exercise reports are worked out individually. Included education methods are case studies, computer analyses, colloquia, problem based learning, lectures, practical exercises and several visits to commercial companies. This course has a substantial part ´hands on´ experience where students perform practical work including cases taken from practical horticultural production. Through the entire length of the course the students will run a greenhouse climate experiment and the exercises will utilize the climates used and plants produced in the experiment. After the scheduled course the PhD will write a report, linking the content of the course to the literature and their own PhD project. The topic of the report will be selected together with the teachers.
The objective is to give the PhD student an advanced understanding of the technical methods for management of climate conditions which are important for optimal plant production and correct climate documentation of research experiments. The course is focused on the basic physics of the various climate parameters, climatic interactions between the plants and the surrounding environment and the technology used to control these interactions in horticultural production and research.
Climate management in horticulture. Aaslyng et al. 2005. Compendium, KVL. Department of Agricultural Sciences.

Greenhouse Climate Control: An Integrated Approach. Bakker et al. (Editor). Wageningen Academic Publishers. ISBN:9074134173

The physiology of crop yield. Hay and Porter, 2nd ed. Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Oxford. ISBN-10: 1-4051-0859-2. Selected chapters will be used in this course. The remaining chapters will be covered in the course Physiology of Crop Yield.
Eva Rosenqvist, ero@life.ku.dk, Institut for Jordbrug og Økologi/Afgrødevidenskab, Tlf: 353-33404
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The student is evaluated by the five exercise reports and the final PhD project report.
praktiske øvelser26