LPhD057 Agrohydrology: Bioclimatology and Crop Environment Interactions

Responsible DepartmentDepartment of Basic Science and Environment

Course DatesFlexible Course Schedule
Course RegistrationRegistration is made directly to Søren Hansen
Deadline for Registration15 January
Credits15 (ECTS)
Level of CoursePhD course
Language of InstructionEnglish
Course Content
Radiation relationships. Transfer of heat and momentum. Transfer of gases and water vapour. Crop radiation interactions. Energy balance of surfaces. Plant water relationships. Crop atmosphere energy exchange. Crop atmosphere water exchange. Crop atmosphere CO2 exchange and canopy photosynthesis. Solar energy and water use efficiency. Crop responses to environmental stresses. Modelling of the soil plant atmosphere system. Climate change and crop production. Modelling of of crop production and agro-ecosystem analyses. Experimental methods.
Teaching and learning Methods
The instruction is given in the form of colloquies and seminars in which theories, metodologies and research results are presented and discussed. The study materials include specialized advanced textbooks, specialized review papers, original research papers.
Learning Outcome
The objective of the course is to give the participants an advanced understanding of processes and relationships in crop canopy atmosphere interactions, crop responses to environmental stresses, natural resource utilization and agricultural crop production.
Course Coordinator
Søren Hansen, sha@life.ku.dk, Department of Basic Sciences and Environment/Agrohydrology, Phone: 353-33386
Other Lecturers
Carsten Petersen Jens Raunsø Jensen
Type of Evaluation
Satisfactory partiticipation in colloquia,approval of a review paper on a selected topic, and satisfactory presentation of a lecture on a given topic.
Work Load
theoretical exercises0
project work160