LPhD067 Environmental Soil Chemistry

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Grundvidenskab og Miljø

KursusdatoerAutumn semester. First tutorial: first week in October.
Kursus resuméThis course comprises the various processes affecting the composition, reactions and quality of the soil solution and solid phases, and the bioavailability of natural and anthropogenic bioactive substances. Main focus is on reactions at the solid-solution interfaces in soil and sediment systems, in particular sorption, degradation and dissolution processes. The use of equilibrium computation and other types of modelling is trained.
KursustilmeldingContact course responsible Hans Christian Bruun hansen (haha@life.ku.dk)
Deadline for tilmeldingSeptember 15th
Pointværdi8 (ECTS)
At each tutorial two or more text book chapters or journal articles are being presented by one or more of the course attendants who - beforehand - have prepared short written summaries. The texts are discussed in plenum. Small excersises including the use of computer modeling software is also treated at the tutorials.

The main topics of the course are:
- Description of processes at surfaces of geosorbents (minerals, organic matter, bacteria)
- Equilibrium models for sorption of ionic and non-ionic pollutants (e.g. pesticides, petrochemicals, PAH's/PCBs, trace metals, natural toxins) including surface complexation models.
- Kinetics of sorption processes incl. diffusion.
- Redox processes - degradation and mobility of pollutants.
- Sorption and activity of biological macromolecules (enzymes, proteins, DNA, biodetergents) at mineral surfaces
- Particles as transporters of pollutants
- Coupling between abiotic and microbial processes in control of pollutant degradation
- Instrumental methods for characterization of surface chemical reactions.
Seven tutorials each with a duration of 3 - 4 hours
Participants will learn about the various processes affecting the composition, reactions and quality of the soil solution and solid phases, and the bioavailability of natural and anthropogenic bioactive substances. Main focus is on reactions at the solid-solution interfaces in soil and sediment systems, in particular sorption, degradation and dissolution processes. The use of equilibrium computation and other types of modelling is trained.
Due attention is paid to the interests of the course participants in selection of topics and texts to be read.
Stumm, W. 1992: Chemistry of the Solid-water interface. Wiley, NY, 428 pp. Journal articles (distributed at the course) Equilibrium computation software (VMINTEQ) and other software (e.g. EpiSuite).
Hans Chr. Bruun Hansen, haha@life.ku.dk, Institut for Grundvidenskab og Miljø/Jordbunds- og miljøkemi, Tlf: 353-32418
Free of charge for Ph.D.-students under the Open Market for Postgraudate Courses in Denmark and from NOVA-partners.
Kursus omkostninger
Costs to cover photocopies (about 150 Dkr)
Written report or poster on topic agreed with the course teacher. Should be completed within one month after termination of the tutorials.
praktiske øvelser20
teoretiske øvelser30


Andre bemærkninger
Special prerequisites: M.Sc. course in Soil & Environment C or equivalents. For those particular interested in the structure and properties of solid phases, and linkage to surface chemical processes, the course in soil mineralogy should be followed.