LPhD070 Food chemistry: Stability of foods

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Fødevarevidenskab   60 %
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences (Foulum), Århus University   20 %
DTU Aqua, DTU   20 %

ForskeruddannelsesprogramFOOD Denmark
KursusdatoerThe course is held biannually. Next time is June 2011. Part 1 is one week during June and Part 2 is one week during June - December
Kursus resuméFoods are unstable and food quality depends on the chemical and physical processes which proceed inside foods. This course will give an introduction to the advanced knowledge about chemical reactions food undergo and how these affect the stability and quality. A molecular basis for the chemical processes affecting the quality/stability will be in focus, and disciplines in this area, like reaction kinetics, will be introduced.
KursustilmeldingSecretary Lisbet Christensen, Food Chemistry, IFV. +45 3533 3238, LSM@LIFE.KU.DK
Deadline for tilmeldingMay 2011
Pointværdi4 (ECTS)
Rammer for UndervisningPart 1 is a one week intensive course at LIFE and DTU. Part 2 is an individual report made at the students home university.
-A general introduction to the chemistry of foods
-Advanced kinetics
-Chemical reactions affecting the quality of foods, such as protein oxidation, lipid oxidation, and Maillard reactions
-Polyunsaturated fatty acids, their stability in complex foods, and the improvement in stability by antioxidants
-The influence of protein oxidation on food quality
-Detection of protein oxidation by advanced methods.
Part 1: A one-week intensive course with lectures, theoretical exercises, and presentations of group work Part 2: An individual written report.
Participants will obtain knowledge about chemical stability phenomena in foods, and the underlying chemistry.
Participants should be able to discuss potential stability problems based on knowledge about the composition, processing and storage conditions of a given food system.
Reviews, book chapters and original scientific litterature
Mogens Larsen Andersen, mola@life.ku.dk, Institut for Fødevarevidenskab/Fødevarekemi, Tlf: 353-33262
Evaluation of written individual report