LPhD071 FOOD FLEX 1 - Becoming a PhD student

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Fødevarevidenskab

ForskeruddannelsesprogramFOOD Denmark
KursusdatoerAll modules will run for the last time in 2011. Module 1: 16/5 (LIFE); Module 3: 18/5 (LIFE); Module 2: 17/5 (LIFE); Module 4: 27/1 (Global Denmark) and 6/6 (LIFE); Module 5: 25/2 (Global Denmark) and 23/8-2011 (LIFE)
Kursus resuméThis generic course will introduce the future food scientists of Denmark to central research techniques. The course will also act as a platform for network establishment between food science PhD students from different institutions. After passing this course, the participants will be able to more effectively manage their own projects and present them in an efficient manner to fellow scientists and stake holders outside academia.
Kursus hjemmesidehttp://www.lmcfood.dk
KursustilmeldingFOOD Denmark Research School at food_course_registration@life.ku.dk
Deadline for tilmelding10 working days before each module.
Pointværdi2 (ECTS)
Begrænset deltagerantal15
The aim of this flex course - FOOD FLEX 1 - Becoming a PhD student - is to introduce newly started PhD students in food science to the central generic skills: Career planning and project management, ethics in food science, the global food sector, oral and written scientific communication.

Emphasis is placed on the necessary qualities and skills of the future food scientist, i.e. tools for project management and leadership, communication, and the role of food and science in society. This is achieved through a varied and highly interactive programme which includes presentations, discussions in groups, and talks by leading Danish food scientists.

The course comprises 5 individual modules each held 2 times a year. Each module lasts one day. The participants must participate in module 1 but can choose only 3 of the remaining four modules to pass the course. The course will run each year in the period 2009-2011. The participants can choose freely the order of the modules and the time span used for taking the modules.

Module 1: Becoming a PhD student; FOOD Denmark and the food sector; PhD training in Denmark; Career and project planning.
Module 2: The private food sector in Denmark; Basic oral presentation techniques.
Module 3: Globalization and food science; Introduction to scientific English.
Module 4: Ethics in food science; Vancouver agreement; Critical reading.
Module 5: Supervision; Project planning; PhD plan.

Examination: The participants must make a personal development plan which is handed in to the course secretariat no later than 4 weeks after completion of the last module.
4 days of intensive on campus course: 35 hours. Preparation and Reading of literature: 10 hours. Assignment written after the course: 20 hours. Total 65 hours.
After completion of the course the students should have obtained a box of essential tools making their PhD study period as good and efficient as possible, and will be prepared to participate actively in discussions of the Danish food sector in a global context.
Leif Horsfelt Skibsted, ls@life.ku.dk, Institut for Fødevarevidenskab/Fødevarekemi, Tlf: 353-33221
Andre forlæsere
LHRasmussen, CJarløv, LWhite, SKobayashi, and invited speakers from FOOD Denmark partner universities and the Danish food industry.
Free of charge for PhD students under the Open Market in Denmark, from the Graduate School VLAG and from NOVA-partners.
Kursus omkostninger
Course costs for other than PhD students: 2,500 DKK per day. Lunch and coffee/tee is included.
Evaluation of written assignment.
teoretiske øvelser20
praktiske øvelser20


Andre bemærkninger
Priority will be given to PhD students from FOOD Denmark.