LPhD072 FOOD Flex 2 - Having success in the laboratory

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Fødevarevidenskab

ForskeruddannelsesprogramFOOD Denmark
KursusdatoerThe course is composed of 9 separate modules, each of 1-3 days. Each module is held once in the period 2009-2011. Module 6: Management techniques for the laboratory manager. 6 May 2011.
Kursus resuméThis generic course will introduce future food scientists to central research techniques in the research laboratory as well as in the industry. The course will also act as a platform for networking. After passing this course, the participants will be able to produce higher quality data with respect to documentation and precision in sampling and validation. The participants will also have a basic understanding of GMP and GLP procedures in the industry.
Kursus hjemmesidehttp://www.lmcfood.dk/
KursustilmeldingBy email to: food_course_registration@life.ku.dk Priority in registration will be given to PhD students enrolled in FOOD Denmark and from VLAG.
Deadline for tilmeldingThe course comprises 9 modules each lasting one day. The participants must participate in four modules in total to pass the course. The 9 modules will run once in the period 2009-2011. Deadline is 10 working days before each module.
Pointværdi2 (ECTS)
Begrænset deltagerantal15
Emphasis is placed on the necessary qualities and skills of the future food scientist, i.e. aspects of quality assurance, management techniques, laboratory safety and security, LEAN proceedures, and digital photography and picture manipulation. This is achieved through a varied and highly interactive programme which includes lectures and hands-on exercises taught by faculty from Laborantskolen and professional photografers.

The course comprises 9 modules each lasting one day. The participants must participate in four modules in total to pass the course. They can choose for free which modules to pass. The 9 modules will run once in the period 2009-2011. The participants can choose freely the order of the modules and the time span used for taking the modules. The cause is evaluated by evaluation of a written assignment (see below). If desired, the participants can choose to take the modules as stand-alone workshops/courses without ECTS credit and evaluation.

Module 1-3: Quality assurance in the laboratory - inspiration from GLP and GMP
Module 4: Digital photography - taking the right picture
Module 5: Digital photography - manipulation of pictures.
Module 6: Management techniques for the laboratory manager.
Module 7: Laboratory safety and security.
Module 8: Laboratory sampling.
Module 9: LEAN in the laboratory.

Examination: The participants must hand-in a written assignment - a reflection paper. In this paper, the participant will make a review of the elements learned and explain how these elements have and/or will change the laboratory practice of the participant.

Module 1-3: 24-26 March 2009
Module 4: Digital photography - taking the right picture. 3 May 2010 (Copenhagen)
Module 5: Digital photography - manipulation of pictures. 4 May 2010 (Copenhagen)
Module 6: Management techniques for the laboratory manager. 28 April 2010.
Module 7: 22 September 2009
Module 8: Laboratory sampling. 2 September 2009 - LIFE
Module 9: 2011 - to be announced.

The exact dates of the modules will be announced approx. 6 months in advance.

Some of the modules run for the first time in 2008 (Digital Photography - students can get credit for these parts as well) and in 2007 (Laboratory sampling). Se above for examples of course descriptions.
4 days of intensive on campus course: 35 hours. Preparation and Reading of literature: 10 hours. Assignment written after the course: 20 hours. Total 65 hours.
The aim of this flex course is to introduce PhD students in food science to important laboratory and technical skills nessesary for having experimental success.
Leif Horsfelt Skibsted, ls@life.ku.dk, Institut for Fødevarevidenskab/Fødevarekemi, Tlf: 353-33221
Andre forlæsere
CJarløv (consultant), KEsbensen (AU), LRask and LChristensen (Metropolitan University College). Other teachers will be included at some modules.
Free of charge for PhD students under the Open Market, from the Graduate School VLAG and from NOVA-partners.
Kursus omkostninger
FOOD will cover transportation costs for FOOD students travelling from Jutland to Copenhagen and vice versa. Participants have to organize accomodation them selves. Course costs for other than PhD students: 3,000 DKK per day. Lunch and coffee/tee is included.
The participants must hand-in a written assignment - a reflection paper. In this paper, the participant will make a review of the elements learned and explain how these elements have and/or will change the laboratory practice of the participant.
teoretiske øvelser20
praktiske øvelser20


Andre bemærkninger
Further information: Lars Holm Rasmussen FOOD Denmark Research School Centre for Advanced Food Studies Bülowsvej 15, 1. 1870 Frederiksberg C Denmark Tlf. +45 3533 3236 Email: lhr@life.ku.dk