LPhD079 Isotope methods for studying nutrient and carbon dynamics

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Jordbrug og Økologi   80 %
DTU - Risø   20 %

ForskeruddannelsesprogramAgriculture and Ecology (AGREC)

The course is open to students from all Ph.D. programmes
KursusdatoerThe course is offered depending on demand, usually every 18 months
Kursus resuméThe course deals with the use of stable and radioisotopes in studies of carbon and nutrient flows in the soil-plant-atmosphere system. The course is practically oriented, and aims at giving the partcipants handling skills and inspiration to carry out experimental research.
Kursus hjemmesidehttp://www.staff.kvl.dk/~adn/isotope/
KursustilmeldingContact course coordinator Andreas de Neergaard - adn@life.ku.dk
Deadline for tilmeldingContact course coordinator Andreas de Neergaard - adn@life.ku.dk
Pointværdi6 (ECTS)
Rammer for UndervisningLectures, discussions, student presentations, laboratory work and calculation exrcises
Begrænset deltagerantal15
First week is primarily spent on readings and discussions of literature. Second week is mainly laboratory practicals and evaluation. Students are expected to spend approx. one week of preparation reading selected papers for the course.

The course introduces a number of isotopes and techniques that are used for studying carbon and nutrient dynamics in soil, plants and atmosphere.
Scientfic literature describing a number of different approaches will be discussed during the first week. Through laboratory work, participants will aquire working experience with a number of techniques.

Relevant processes to be studied include:
- Photosynthesis and carbon allocation
- Rhizodeposition and carbon sequestration
- Nutrient mobilisation and uptake by roots
- Nutrient utilisation and movement in plants
- Microbial utilisation of rhizopdeposits
- Soil organic matter and litter turnover
- Mineralisation-Immobilisation turnover
- Gross mineralisation processes
- Nitrogen fixation
- Nitrogen transfer from green manures
- Soil erosion studies
- Greenhouse gas emissions from soil/plant systems

The exact choice of isotopes and focus can be adjusted to suit the participants needs.
The course includes lectures, presentation and discussion of scientific papers, experimental work, calculation exercises with own or provided data and student presentations of own work.
The objective of the course is to introduce the use of isotopes for experimental work within carbon and nutrient dynamics in agro-ecosystems.
The participantswill acquire knowledge within the fundamental principles of using stable and radioisotopes, as well as applied knowledge on the use of isotopes to study nutrient flows in biosystems. The course includes practical laboratory work and calculation exercises with own data.
Scientific publications will be provided at course initiation.
Andreas de Neergaard, adn@life.ku.dk, Institut for Jordbrug og Økologi/Plante- og Jordvidenskab, Tlf: 353-33499
Andre forlæsere
Sander Bruun, Thilde Bech Bruun, Jakob Magid, Lars Stoumann Jensen, Søren Husted
1000 DKKr for materials
3 student presentations, One presenting own work, one presenting a selected paper and one presenting experimental layout to study a selected research question.
teoretiske øvelser20
praktiske øvelser20