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Ansvarligt institut | Institut for Grundvidenskab og Miljø
Forskeruddannelsesprogram | Metal Ions in Biological Systems (MIBS) |
Eksterne samarbejdspartnere | Varies from year to year |
Kursusdatoer | Varies from year to year |
Kursus resumé | The course covers varying subjects related to metal ions in biological systems. The purpose is to cover current trends and methods in bioinorganic chemistry. You can find more information on our homepage |
Kursus hjemmeside | http://www.mibs.life.ku.dk/ |
Kursustilmelding | Professor Morten J. Bjerrum, mibs@life.ku.dk. Department of Basic Sciences and Environment. Faculty of Life Sciences. University of Copenhagen. Thorvaldsensvej 40, DK-1871 Frederiksberg C. Phone: +45 3533 2452 |
Deadline for tilmelding | Varies from year to year. The deadline will be announced on our homepage. |
Pointværdi | 6 (ECTS) |
Kursustype | Ph.d.-kursus |
Rammer for Undervisning | One week intensive residential course with at least one week of preparation (3 ECTS). Evaluation of the course may include a case study with a written report after the course. The topic may be related to the candidates Ph.D. research projects (3 ECTS) |
Undervisningssprog | Engelsk |
Begrænset deltagerantal | Participation is normally limited to 25 students |
Kursusindhold |
The exact content varies from year to year. You can find more information on our homepage. Varies from year to year |
Undervisningsform |
Varies from year to year |
Målbeskrivelse |
The purpose is to cover current trends and methods in bioinorganic chemistry and to give the participant an understanding of the behavior of metal ions in biological systems |
Litteraturhenvisninger |
Varies from year to year |
Kursusmateriale |
Varies from year to year |
Kursusansvarlig |
Morten Jannik Bjerrum, mobj@life.ku.dk, Institut for Grundvidenskab og Miljø/Biouorganisk kemi, Tlf: 353-32452 |
Andre forlæsere |
Varies from year to year |
Deltagerbetaling |
Free admittance for students affiliated with MIBS. For other participants there may be a course fee covering accomodation and subsistence. |
Kursus omkostninger |
Transportation costs to and from the course location is paid by the participants.
The participants may have to purchase teaching material (usually photocopies).
It will be possible to apply MIBS for a reduction in the registration and accommodation fee.
Evalueringsform |
All participants are required to bring a poster presentation. Evaluation of the course may also include a case study with a written report after the course |
Kursusbeskrivelsesomfang |
forberedelse | 50 | forelæsninger | 50 | projektarbejde | 75 |
| | 175 |
Andre bemærkninger |
Further information:
Professor Morten J. Bjerrum, mibs@life.ku.dk
Department of Basic Sciences and Environment
Faculty of Life Sciences
University of Copenhagen
Thorvaldsensvej 40, DK-1871 Frederiksberg C
Phone: +45 3533 2452 |