LPhD100 SPPS-FOBI Summer School in Plant Biology

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Plantebiologi og Bioteknologi

ForskeruddannelsesprogramBiotechnology (FOBI)
Eksterne samarbejdspartnereScandinavian Plant Physiology Society is a society open to everyone interested. For further information see www.spps.fi Chairman: Professor Jaakko Kangasjärvi, Univ. Helsinki, Finland
KursusdatoerThe summer school is typically held in summer (July/September) every 2nd years. Next time will be summer 2012. Expected to be held in Stavanger, Norway, See homepage for updated information.
Kursus resuméThe students participate in a scientific conference organised exclusively for PhD students. They present their own research, and in addition, internationally renowned scientists are invited as speakers and present a broad overview of hot topics in plant physiology and plant biotechnology.
Kursus hjemmesidehttp://www.phd-spps.com/index.html
KursustilmeldingContact: Associate Professor Tom Hamborg Nielsen Department of Plant Biology The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University 40 Thorvaldsensvej 1871 Frederiksberg C Denmark Tel: +45 3528 3354 thni@life.ku.dk
Deadline for tilmeldingspring 2012, date will be announced later
Pointværdi4 (ECTS)
In form of a scientific conference, the students participate in scientific sessions covering a broad range of research topics within molecular plant biology and physiology. The prentations are all based on ongoing reseach.
lectures , discussions and poster sessions.
The purpose of the summer school is
- to give participating students an insight into new developments in plant physiology, plant molecular biology and plant biotechnology.
- to introduce the participants to a network of students, mostly from Scandinavia, working with similar subjects.
- to give students and overview of plant biology research in Scandinavia.
- to train students in presenting their research to an audience.
- to train students in how to organize a meeting.
The summer school is organized by the PhD students themselves. This includes financial aspects, logistics of travel, lodging and invitation of speakers. The Scandinavian countries alternate in hosting the summer school.
The summer school is financially supported by Scandinavian Plant Physiology Society and FOBI.
An abstract book will be provided to each participant.
Tom Hamborg Nielsen, thni@life.ku.dk, Institut for Plantebiologi og Bioteknologi/Molekylær Plantebiologi, Tlf: 353-33338
A fee is charged to cover of the costs of board and lodging.
Kursus omkostninger
PhD students that have members of SPPS for a year or more can apply to SPPS for financial support of travel costs.
The posters and oral student presentations are judged by a committee (with a prize for the best presentation in each category).