LPhD113 RAPH Summer School

Ansvarligt institutPh.d.-skolen

ForskeruddannelsesprogramAnimal Production and Health (RAPH)
KursusdatoerNA One week, usually August, off campus
Kursus resuméIn agreement with the objectives of RAPH, Summer Schools will within research area of animal production and health, supply a collective, interdisciplinary training that secures, that the individual Ph.D. student, will obtain a solid knowledge of basic disciplines and connected research areas in a way, that the results of the individual project, can be acknowledged in a broader coherence. As such the summer schools will stimulate systems thinking, interdisciplinarity and collaboration.
KursustilmeldingCluster of Research Schools of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
Deadline for tilmeldingNA
Pointværdi3 (ECTS)
Themes have been: "Towards a learning community", "Improving interdisciplinary decision-making abilities in a multidisciplinary environment", "Interdisciplinary thinking, hypothesis formation, project planning and application writing" and "The Skinspot scenario". Complementary competences and skills could be such as project planning and management, application formulation, philosophy of science, hypotheses formulation, abstract writing, presentation technique, team based management or rhetoric.
Lectures and groupwork
The goals or themes of the specific Summer Schools will be different, but will be executed in a setup with lectures, group work and discussions. In order to fulfil the goals, the PhD.-students will be taught new skills and complementary competences and will share their disciplinary knowledge with their fellow participants.
Carsten Enevoldsen, ce@life.ku.dk, Institut for Produktionsdyr og Heste/Faggruppe: Produktion og sundhed, Tlf: 353-32683
3-5000 DK kr (material and accommodation)
Oral or essay