LPhD114 Advanced Methods in Plant Pathology

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Plantebiologi og Bioteknologi

ForskeruddannelsesprogramBiotechnology (FOBI)
Kursusdatoerad hoc
Kursus resuméThe course gives a hands on introduction to advanced methods in plant pathology such as: * the use of fluorescent reporters with filamentous fungi (fungal transformation and advanced microscope techniques) * Plant disease diagnostics based on symptoms, pathogen morphology, diagnostic keys and taxonomy * Molecular Plant disease diagnostics *PCR characterization of microorganisms *Methods used for studying Induced Resistance These techniques are taught in specific modules. See list belo
Kursustilmeldingto the individual lecturers (see below)
Deadline for tilmeldingn/a
Pointværdi6 (ECTS)
varies from 6 to 18 for each module buit the system does not allow us to variable variables
Rammer for UndervisningApprenticeship in the laboratrory, literature and report
Begrænset deltagerantalTypically 1-2 per module at any one time. Determined individually
The course gives a hands on introduction to new and advanced methods in plant pathology such as:
* the use of fluorescent reporters for interaction studies with filamentous fungi (fungal transformation and own studies using advanced microscope techniques exploiting the fluorescent reporters)
* Plant disease diagnostics based on symptoms, pathogen morphology, diagnostic keys and taxonomy
* Plant disease diagnostics based on molecular methods such as specific PCR, PCR finger printing, cross hybridization, ITS sequencing and the use of relevant bioinformatic tools
*PCR characterization of microorganisms
*Methods used for studying Induced Resistance including microsopy, real-time PCR and HPLC
Course Work Load: The work load depends on the module size, for 6 ECTS it will be:
30- 60 h
Literature studies and preparation 60 h
Supervision 10 h
presentation of report 10 h
Preparation of report 40 h
Total 150-180 hours
Modules can be combined
apprenticeship in a research group literature discussion data anaylis and interpretation
The course gives a hands on introduction to new and advanced methods in plant pathology of direct relevance for the individual research project.
individual for specific modules
David B. Collinge, dbc@life.ku.dk, Institut for Plantebiologi og Bioteknologi/Sektion for Planteglykobiologi, Tlf: 353-33356
Andre forlæsere
Birgit Jensen Lisa Munk Mari-Anne Newman Ole Søgaard Lund Carmen Mortensen Gowda Rayapuram Hans Lyngs Jørgensen Michael Lyngkjær Thomas Sundelin
after agreement to cover laboratory consumables