LPhD117 Social Theory in Natural Resources Management

Responsible DepartmentForest & Landscape

Course DatesTo be announced
Course AbstractThe objective of the course is to help PhD students (with no or little previous experience of sociology and anthropology) to 1. grasp fundamental concepts of major social theories in the 19th and 20th centuries, 2. learn of major controversies and developments associated with these theories, 3. understand how these theories can be applied in research, and 4. apply these theories in analysis of social issues addressed by their PhD projects.
Course RegistrationAn application for the course should be sent to Jens Friis Lund, jens@life.ku.dk with a synopsis of your PhD project (max 600 words). The synopsis should contain the subject of the PhD project including the title, objective, theoretical background, site, research questions and methods, how far you are in the project (e.g. just started, before data collection, write-up phase), and how this PhD course can assist the project.
Deadline for RegistrationTo be announced
Credits6 (ECTS)
Level of CoursePhD course
Language of InstructionEnglish
Course Content
The main part of the course is a five-day workshop where the mornings will be used for lectures in social theories whereas the afternoons will be used for group discussions of applied research papers and students synopses. Before the course, participants will be asked to prepare a brief course paper of no more than 2,000 words. Lecturers will prepare comments to these papers and participants will be required to submit a revised paper following the course.

During the workshop, the following learning activities will take place:
1. The lecturers will present major contributions of the social thinkers in social theories and their views on "structures of a society", and "power and participation of social actors".
2. The lectures will present and discuss how these theories can be used in the analysis of natural resource management based on case examples described in research articles
3. Students will briefly present social issues addressed by their PhD projects and discuss how the social theories and concepts could be applied in analysing them

The lectures will focus on providing participants with a basic understanding of major contributions of the selected social theories and their views on "structures of a society", and "power and participation of social actors". This part also includes presentation of research examples as well as exercises where lecturers will present and discuss with participants how the social theories can be applied in actual research analysis on the basis of particular research articles.

Group discussions will focus on discussion of research papers that apply the theories as well as discussions on how participants can use the social theories in their own research. The participants will be split in two groups based on the focus of their research. In these sessions, we will discuss the synopses of two-three students focusing on a social issue in their work and their thoughts on how social theories could be applied in relation to them. These presentations will form the basis for discussions in the groups on how to apply social theories in research.
Teaching and learning Methods
Lectures, group discussions, preparation of course paper.
Learning Outcome
The objective of the course is to help PhD students (with no or little previous experience of sociology and anthropology) to
1. grasp fundamental concepts of major social theories in the 19th and 20th centuries,
2. learn of major controversies and developments associated with these theories,
3. understand how these theories can be applied in research, and
4. apply these theories in analysis of social issues addressed by their PhD projects.

The course will provide an introduction to selected classical and/or contemporary social thinkers and concepts relevant to sociology and anthropology in the context of natural resources management.
Course Literature
The course literature will be selected in accordance with the chosen social theories.
Course Material
The course literature will be selected in accordance with the chosen social theories.
Course Coordinator
Jens Friis Lund, jens@life.ku.dk, Forest & Landscape Denmark/Unit of Forestry, Phone: 353-31767
Other Lecturers
The main part of the course will be taught by external teachers with experience in research and teaching of sociology and anthropology at an international level.
Type of Evaluation
Participation in workshop and approval of course paper.
Work Load