LPhD128 Winter School - Individual Health and Nutrition

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Human Ernæring   50 %
Institut for Plantebiologi og Bioteknologi   25 %
Institut for Fødevarevidenskab   25 %

ForskeruddannelsesprogramFOOD Denmark
Eksterne samarbejdspartnereDanish Food and Drink Federation (DI), http://foedevarer.di.dk is an additional assisting partner
Kursusdatoer5 October 2010, 9 November 2010, 7 December 2010, 11 January 2011, 8 February 2011, 8 March 2011, 29 April 2011
Kursus resuméThe purpose of the Winter School 2010-2011 is to get a common understanding of the area "Individual Health and Nutrition", to identify needs and focus of further research and cooperation, and of course to network and create new collaborations. There will be 6 seminars on individualized nutrition research with the following common focus areas: What is state-of-the-art within the field in question? What are the hypotheses? Which results have been achieved? What should future work focus on?
Kursus hjemmesidehttp://www.oresund.org/food/projects/food-health/h...
KursustilmeldingMie Bendtsen, by email mie.bendtsen@oresund.org and inform your name, title, affiliation and contact information. Please state which seminars you wish to attend.
Deadline for tilmeldingDeadlines: If you wish to attend seminar 5 Oct register not later than 30 Sept. Seminars from 9 Nov and on register not later than 4 November.
Pointværdi2 (ECTS)
Total work load 2 weeks (full time)
Rammer for UndervisningThe course will cover six seminars with discussions and a poster presentation session for the PhD students to present their individually selected topic in individualized health
This PhD course contains a series of seminars approaching the subject "Individual Health & Nutrition". The scientific knowledge on individual health and nutrition is still in its cradle, and the subject is up-coming within the food-pharma interface. The seminars will target health and nutrition from an individual and/or group based point of view, and look into how food and medicine affect people in different manners and the possibility of the future bringing differentiated approaches with respect to promotion of health and public health information. At this combined workshop and PhD course, some highly profiled speakers and engaged participants from both academia and industry will ensure the exchange of existing knowledge and the focus on future research. An inspiring environment and networking across academia and industry are keywords for establishment of strong research collaborations.

The presentations will be carried out by national and international experts, and the following themes will be approached:

1. Individual Health & Nutrition: Status & Perspectives
2. Diet-Gene interactions: Nutri- & Metagenomics
3. Individual Food
4. Individual Medicine
5. Health Promotion at Individual or Group Level?
6. The Future: Differentiation by "Nutri-Types"?
7. Final evaluation of Ph.D. course and student participation: Poster presentation (of written essays)
Keywords for the seminars are: Individual health, nutrition, food and medicine; Diet-gene interactions; Nutri- and Metagenomics; Health promotion; and Nutri-Types. At each seminar 3-4 presentations will be carried out by national and international experts who are requested to highlight the following aspects: - What is state of the art within the field in question? - What are the hypotheses? - Which results have been achieved? - What does future work focus on? Dialogue and discussion is promoted after each presentation. The speakers are encouraged to end their presentations by asking (provocative) questions to the audience, and an Expert Panel consisting of national experts within the field will assist in creating an inspiring environment with qualitative debates. The speakers are asked to inform of 1-3 relevant reviews or articles for the PhD students and other participants to download for preparative work and further reading.
The seminars have as their aim to give the syudents an overview of the existing knowledge within personalized health and nutrition. The PhD students will in addition be given the opportunity of networking with national and international academia and industry and establishing new research collaborations.

PhD students who have followed the course will:
- Be familiar with state of the art on individual health and nutrition
- Understand the known mechanisms of diet-gene interactions, and get insight into the methods of nutri- and metagenomics
- Get insight into the most important results and knowledge about individual foods and medicine in relation to health
- Obtain knowledge about public / private ethics and strategies for health promotion at individual and group level
- Achieve competencies in working independently and analytically with scientific literature
- Achieve competencies in writing a reviewing essay and presentation the result via a poster
- Be part of a national and international network including experts within the field of individual health and nutrition
To be posted on the course website.
To be posted on the website for the winter school within two weeks before each seminar.
Lars Ove Dragsted, ldra@life.ku.dk, Institut for Human Ernæring/Sygdomsforebyggende Ernæring, Tlf: 353-32694
Andre forlæsere
Programme can be seen at the course homepage.
Kursus omkostninger
The course costs are fully covered by external partners, and administered by the Øresund Food Network.
PhD students participating in at least five sessions and providing an acceptable poster presentation have passed the course. The presentations are assessed by the course responsible, in cooperation with participants from the Department of Plant Biology and Biotechnology.