LPhD137 Applied methods in meat science research

Responsible DepartmentDepartment of Food Science

Research SchoolFOOD Denmark
Course DatesAd hoc
Course RegistrationTo sign up for the course, contact Per Ertbjerg at peer@life.ku.dk. Please also remember to add the course to your PhD plan.
Deadline for RegistrationAd hoc
Credits6 (ECTS)
Level of CoursePhD course
Organisation of TeachingThe course takes place at Frederiksberg Campus and consists of 10 lectures with content adjusted to your background. Expect 30 hours of literature study and 140 hours of project work consisting of 70 hours of experimental work and 70 hours report writing.
Language of InstructionEnglish
Course Content
The course presents different research methodologies. During the course, it will be discussed how these research methodologies relate to the principles and practice in meat texture research. The aim is to present the student with tools to select and develop suitable methods in meat texture research for use throughout the remaining phd-education. A major part of the course consists of individual experimental work, and each student must independently conduct their own experiemental project. In order to pass the course, the student has to make a report based on interpretation of data obtained during the experimental work.
Teaching and learning Methods
The course consists of lectures, literature study and project work.
Learning Outcome
The student will obtain in depth knowledge about different methods that can be used to get information about the texture of raw and/or cooked meat. The student will obtain competences on how to interpret data obtained in the experimental project in the course in order to understand how different ante-mortem or post-mortem treatments results in various molecular changes of meat and how these affect meat texture.
Course Coordinator
Per Ertbjerg, peer@life.ku.dk, Department of Food Science/Food Chemistry, Phone: 353-33255
Course Costs
All course participant must cover the costs of laboratory expenses themselves.
Type of Evaluation
The participants must hand in a report on the experimental part. In order to pass the course the report must be accepted.
Work Load
project work140