Ansvarligt institut | Institut for Mindre Husdyrs Sygdomme |
English Title | Companion Animal Surgery - Soft tissue surgery |
Tidligst mulig placering | Master udd. (efteruddannelse) |
Varighed | Udenfor blokstruktur |
Pointværdi | 5 (ECTS) |
Kursustype | Master udd. (efteruddannelse) |
Eksamen | skriftlig og mundtlig eksamen Praktisk eksamen Portfolio eksamen Alle hjælpemidler tilladt Beskrivelse af eksamen: The students will be continuously assessed based on the following: Students have to participate at least 80% of the practical course. As a part of the course the student will have to perform oral presentations and hand in a number of in written exercises/cases and procedure protocols. 7-trinsskala, intern censur Eksamensdatoer: |
Rammer for Undervisning | Practical 5-days course at University Hospital For Companion Animals (Universitetshospitalet for Familiedyr) |
Undervisningssprog | Engelsk |
Obligatoriske forudsætninger | Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM); at least two years of companion animal practice work experience; and certified Danish Fagdyrlæge. *If fagdyrlæge-edducation from another country, please provide documentation of education and recertification. |
Kursusindhold | |
The purpose of this course is: To introduce the approach to and management of the sick patients with surgical disease. Acute abdomen - to cut or not to cut Surgical anatomy Practical: Diagnostic peritoneal lavage Practical: Exploratory laparotomy Practical: Wound drainage and monitoring Decision making in GI surgery Gastro- and coloscopy Surgical anatomy Practical: Gastrotomy and PEG tubes Practical: Enterotomy, anastomoses and J-tubes Practical: Abdominal drainage Decision making in urological surgery Cystoscopy Surgical anatomy Practical: Urinary catheter placement Practical: Cystotomy Practical. Urethrotomy Decision making in respiratory surgery Laryngo-tracheo-bronchoscopy Surgical anatomy Practical: Laryngo-tracheo-bronchoscopy Practical: Correction of brachycephalic defects Practical: Chesttube placement Anaesthesia of the ASA class 3 and 4 patients Local and epidural analgesia Perinatal anaesthesia Casepresentations Casepresentations Casepresentations | |
Undervisningsform | |
Course contents A combination of theoretical lectures and case-based practice. | |
Målbeskrivelse | |
Having completed the course, the student should be able to: . Approach and evaluate the sick patient in need of soft tissue surgery . Design and use a problem oriented and evidence based work-up plan for patients with surgical organ disease . Use and continue to develop common and typical techniques in selected surgical organ disease with focus on acute symptom relief . Work with atraumatic surgical techniques in particular with regards to tissue handling and minimal invasive diagnostics . Plan the perioperative management of the patient including special anaesthesia and analgesia requirements | |
Kursusansvarlig | |
Thomas Eriksen,, Institut for Mindre Husdyrs Sygdomme/Kirurgi, Billeddiagnostik, Tlf: 353-32935 | |
Deltagerbetaling | |
DKK 35.000 | |
Studienævn | |
Studienævn V | |