290068 Applied Econometrics

Ansvarligt institutFødevareøkonomisk Institut

English TitleApplied Econometrics
Tidligst mulig placeringKandidat 1.år til Master udd. (efteruddannelse)
VarighedEn blok
Pointværdi7.5 (ECTS)

skriftlig prøve

Skriftlig auditorieeksamen

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Beskrivelse af eksamen: Final written exam (4 hours) consisting of questions on the theoretical material covered in the lectures Written Report: students will work on the completion of applied case studies where econometric analysis has to be used to analyse different data problems and assess the quality of the results.

Vægtning: 50% final written exam 50% written report

7-trinsskala, intern censur

10. november 2011
Rammer for UndervisningLectures, Computer Laboratory Work, Group Work
BlokplaceringBlock 1
Ugestruktur: A
Anbefalede forudsætninger210005 Statistisk dataanalyse 1
290038 Tema: Anvendt økonomisk analyse
290038 can be replaced with equivalent course
Begrænset deltagerantalNone
This course aims at providing the student basic knowledge about relatively advanced regression models and methods that are relevant to applied economists. With a mix of econometric theory and applications the course will develop the student's skills to conduct own empirical research projects.
lectures, own reading, exercises, computer laboratory work, and independent work with case-reports
The main objective of the course is to provide an introduction to the more advanced themes in econometric modeling with an emphasis on application of estimation techniques and statistical testing.
After completing the course it is expected that the student is able to:
- Reflect about the appropriate choice of estimator given certain types of data such as panel data, data with a binary dependent variable and other types of limited dependent variables.
- Reflect about econometric problems and solutions in relation to endogenous regressors.
Skills and competencies:
- Understand the concepts of consistency, unbiasedness and asymptotic normality of estimators.
- Understand the concept of prediction, and understand that the calculation of expected values varies between models.
- Understand the concept of endogeneity
- Discuss the results of econometric analyses based on model assumptions and limitations.
- Interpret outcomes of econometric analyses and draw appropriate conclusions.
- Formulate, estimate and interpret results of multiple linear regression models.
- Formulate, estimate and interpret results of econometric models for binary dependent variables.
- Formulate, estimate and interpret results of econometric models for corner solution responses. (Only corners eq. to zero)
- Formulate, estimate and interpret results of econometric models for count data.
- Formulate, estimate and interpret results of linear econometric models for panel data.
- Formulate, estimate and interpret results of linear econometric models with endogenous regressors.
- Jeffrey M. Wooldridge. Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach, South-Western.

Software: R
Sinne Smed, ss@foi.dk, Fødevareøkonomisk Institut/Faggruppe for Forbrug, Sundhed og Etik, Tlf: 353-36849
Laura Mørch Andersen, la@foi.dk, Fødevareøkonomisk Institut/Faggruppe for Forbrug, Sundhed og Etik, Tlf: 353-31023
Studienævn NSN
teoretiske øvelser36